mom put me in corner for swearing!

I am 15! I don’t need to be put in time out! my brother was screaming in my face and he diddn’t get in trouble!!! she dosen’t trust me home alone! I am not alowed to hang out with frineds!!! cause she thinks their bad but their not! HOW CAN I GET HER TO STOP MAKEING MY LIFE HE** LIKE THIS??? she dosent trust me or my frineds!!! IS your PARENTS LIKE THIS??? have you ever felt like this???

Answer #1

thats the funniest thing I ever heard
sorry but your 15 and you got put on time out with your mum

Answer #2

Gain her trust back. Duh.

Answer #3

my dad is worse he put a tracker on my phone and when I go somewhere I have to call him so he can make sure im there and then he wants to talk to someonelses parents

ughh I hate it

I dont even do anything bad like omg im on a bet that I wont have a taste of alchohal untill I am legley allowed to like what could I possibly do wrong

Answer #4

haha they think it works. lol my parents still spanked me at 15…I wouldent worrie about it

Answer #5

heell to tha yeaa. I hate when parents do that. next time this happens tell them “I am not a little kid if your going punish me do it in a adult manner.” &&& they will prbly respond “act like lil kid get treated like one”

Answer #6

I guess.. ugh… seriously.. do parents want their kid to be BI? if they can’t hang out or talk to guys. how are they ever spouse 2/???

Answer #7

You have to respect your parents when you live in their house..If they don’t like swearing don’t do it…My parents never liked me swearing, so I didn’t swear in the house. But now I’m an adult I can swear as much as I want!!

Answer #8

your mom..put you in the corner…? umm ok. im 13 and I dont even get put in the corner. wow. just try and geain her trust back

Answer #9

Prove to them your mature enough to be trusted!! Listen to them and do as your told. Use respect when you talk to them AND your siblings, no matter how hard it is just bite your tongue! It may take a little while, but they will start to trust you. Just don’t lose it once you gain it…it’s harder to get back once you mess it up!


Answer #10

yeah, my parents are exactly like that if I in trouble..I can go to the movies with guys..I cant evenCALL mama all ways says to me…dont get in trouble..dont let me catch you doin anything…im like WTF!!…but they do it because they care..and just think your not that far from 18…you can get out the house…IM STILL WIATING,lol…and im 14 it aint a long way…but they love you and ITS hopefully for a good reason…I bet they had past exsperiences somewere along there life

Answer #11

Parents aren’t perfect but they sure try their best - sounds like she’s trying to look after your best interests - show respect - demonstrate to her, you can be responsible - she CARES and loves you, be Thankful.

Answer #12

You sound like a brat and whiny. I personally don’t blame your mom for doing this. The way you type, I picture a naughty 2 year old who deserves to be put in the corner. The lesson in this? Don’t swear. It’s not that difficult, deal.

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