Pregnant & Scareddd

Ok so I’m 17 years old, and I’m pregnant. I’m so scared. What advice do you all suggest? How can I expect my family to react and how do I tell my mom?

Answer #1

stay as healthy as you possibly can. whatever you put into your body your giving your baby. things will seem overwhelming, but they will get better. god never gives you anything you cant handle. at first you will be very afraid and confused wondering why this happened, but it did. eventually after you get used to it it is very exciting. just because your young doesnt mean you wont make a good mother. I’ve had friends that had babies at 17 and theyve said its the hardest thing in the world, but also the most amazing. as for telling your mom, it depends on what kind of person she is. it might be easier to write her a letter, just flat out tell her, or have a friend with you. she will probably be upset or disappointed at first, but it will eventually go away and she will be just as excited as you. I never thought my mom would get used to the fact that im going to have a baby when im 19, but now 4 months later, shes used to the idea and talks to me about baby clothes and names all the time.

Answer #2

Just pull her 2 the side and tell her you all need 2 talk and explain it 2 her…she’s going 2 b hurt and mad…but not because your prego, bcuzc you were having sex, unprotected at that. But don’t worry she’ll b over it and a week…its new life and you shuld b happy it was given 2 u! Hold your head up and b strong, you’ll b fine!

Answer #3

There is no easy way to tell your family, you have to expect them to be disappointed but eventually they’ll ease up a bit about it and hopefully help you out. It’s hard to say how your family will react because all families are different. Just sit down with them and tell them your life is about to change and you need their support.

Answer #4

she should understand.. tell her first your plans like finsighing high school and getting a job and stuff.. then tell her! its ok hun everything should be fine!

Answer #5

well they only can b mad so long, you will b suprised how they act eventually they will b supportive of you after all your their daughter and parents should have unconditional love

Answer #6

Just sit down and tell her - there is no easy way. Act mature and just get it over with. The longer you wait the worse it’s going to be. She will be upset at first, that’s to be expected, but she will come around, you are her daughter and she loves you.

As for advice: -Get to an obgyn ASAP, you need medical care -Go to wal-mart and buy some Prenatal vitamins (their only like 5 bucks), start taking them asap, they are very important to you and your babies health -Get ready for the joys of pregnancy, gas, throwing up, swelling, gaining weight, stretchmarks, hemmroids, constipation, being kicked in the ribs, having to pee every 2 mintues, getting a pap smear every month, and then the birth. It’s all worth it in the end - I had my son 5 months ago, he was worth all the pain.

Good luck - make sure you tell her soon, you need her help love.

Answer #7

ok stay healthy take vitamins and ik its hard telling your mom but you have to she’ll understand your 17 ik but your not a baby and you need to be checked every so often and no matter what your mom will be there for you. If you really get scared bring your friend with you to tell the news or the father (prob a bad idea) but be healthy and take care of yourself remember you have a living thing inside you!!

Answer #8

ok stay healthy take vitamins and ik its hard telling your mom but you have to she’ll understand your 17 ik but your not a baby and you need to be checked every so often and no matter what your mom will be there for you. If you really get scared bring your friend with you to tell the news or the father (prob a bad idea) but be healthy and take care of yourself remember you have a living thing inside you!!

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