Just cus im young im stupid...?

why is it that adults think that just because im young im completly clueless and I dont know what im talking about and that I change my mind every 2 seconds. quite the contrary im about the exact opposite…just because im 14 I cant make decisions? just because what I choose doesnt make scense to you doesnt mean that your right… I can make better decisions than most adults I know and I have more common sence than most I know. not saying all adults are like this although to the ones that are…f*ck you…and your probably gunna say…o well when you get older youll relize…and to those of you adult that do think younger people dont know what they want and base all of your answers on that…stop giving advice…

Answer #1

Wow. Look what pops up when you type “Why do adults think kids are stupid” on google. Alright, I am going to take a neutral stance, because I’m 18 right now, and I’m kinda in the middle area. Jay, I’m willing to be you are an extremely intelligent person, but along with that fact, you don’t do as well socially. The arrogant attitude you have(and in a year or two, you will admit it) is a defense mechanism, and something that may stay with you to a lesser extent throughout your entire life. It’s your way of projecting confidence. Now, on the adults side, in this post, you do sound slightly immature. Cursing is the language of unintelligent people. Learn some eticate. Pull out a thesaurus and use a large variety of words. A great vocabulary will impress many a professor or normal adult. Along with that fact, don’t project anger, or aggression. Keep calm, think about what you want to say, and express yourself logically. If you do this when your parents are yelling in your face and making you feel like a piece of crap, then you can truly and honestly say that you are doing a better job than them in the self-discipline area. And show people that you are capable of making your own decisions by making good decisions, at least on the surface. Don’t kiss up, as a kiss butt gets no respect, even from parents who demand it. And just hold out till you’re eighteen. Put all of your time and effort into school, get a good score on the ACT or SAT, and keep your GPA above 3.0. If you do this, colleges from all over the country will open up scholarships and free rides to you. So as soon as your done with school, you can have a place to go. I will be honest, most parents are not very accepting of someone who is, on a genetic and tested level, smarter than them, and will not admit it probably until they see you making four or five times more money than what they could ever dream of making.

Answer #2

If you are not doing anything wrong or hurting anyone I say stick to your guns, if you truly believe in something don’t change your answer just because someone else said it is dumb, H*ll some people became rich and famous for doing things that other people thought were dumb. Be yourself, don’t do anything stupid and don’t hurt anyone and I say stay true to who you are.

Answer #3

You should never have to make yourself look bad to get your point across. You sound like every 14 year old. I’m just going to stop responding to you after this because this is no convincing an angsty 14 year old that thinks he knows everything. Good Luck in life jay bertetto

Answer #4

Certainly not ‘just because you’re young’, doesn’t make you stupid - I doubt you are but one thing comes clear across in your question: arrogant attitude - maybe that’s what adults might find unappealing.

Answer #5

well thanks for proving my point. Kinda doesn’t make sense that you’re on a website called fun advice asking people for advice when you “have everything figured out” But you’re probably just a super genius 14 year old

Answer #6

No…not “clueless”…however at 14, one handicap I’ve seen that is pretty general with the age group is “know-it-all-ness”…They simply don’t see you as being “clue-full”…yet.


Answer #7

No, its 18. You can’t vote until you’re 18, smoke, or have sex. And you completely misinterpretted what I meant when I said ‘your decisions don’t mean anything.’ Legally, your parents control you. at school, your teacher can search you and your things with no reason. You don’t have many rights at this age. When you turn 18, you can make your own decisions without parental consent, and thats it. Unless you become emancipated. And only a young and emotionally unstable/immature teenager would consider shooting up the school to prove that their decisions matter. And saying that you have the mental capacity of a 16 year old means nothing, because most 16 year olds are still extremely immature. Trust me, I would know.

Answer #8

ok you’re mad calm down take a few breathes.

ok ready for the truth?

every kid at your age thinks you have everything figured out. YOU WILL REALIZE WHEN YOURE OLDER how stupid you were back then for thinking you knew everything. You are probably going to freak out when you read this and call me and idiot but it is the truth. adults all tell you “you will realize when youre older” because they all went through the same thing. Kids are not better at making decisions than adults, you don’t have the amount of life experiences adults have had.

Answer #9

wow. okay. um, blerggher, your generalizing a lot to say that people only ‘realize they didn’t know anything’ when they’re adults because, I went through my ‘teenage angsty’ stage in middle school, and ‘realized I was stupid’ my sohpmore year in highschool. I don’t fit in with most people at my school, and I have better conversations with adults, generally. You don’t need to be 18 to know everything, and its a little ridiculous to say that. But what you need to realize, jaybertetto, is that yes- maybe you can make your own decisions, but that doesn’t mean anything when you’re 14. Legally, your parents make your decisions for you until you’re 18, and if you were really mature, you would accept that and you wouldn’t be posting this question. And you DO sound like any other angsty teenager, because you swear a lot, something most teenagers do to sound older.

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