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baby girl due sept 4
daughter is due in september, the name i choose is Jaeliana, im spanish & i wanted more of a spanish name or middle name! google isnt helping. thanks
Maybe you should ask your family. Because names are very very important and special and shouldn’t just be googled, how will you know the true meaning?
Baby girl names - 9 Answers
What name iz betta 4 a baby girl? Samantha? Christina? Or Jasmine?
What's a good girl name for a baby girl with these names? - 5 Answers
what is a good name for a baby girl from mixed names tiffany and aaron?
Baby names for a baby girl - 6 Answers
Need a baby name to go with selena
Babies under 4 months with congestion - 2 Answers
What can you do for congestion for babies 4 months and under?
Can you combine these names for a baby girl name: Carmal Aurora and Juan Luis? - 2 Answers
Hey my titi is having a girl. In addition, she and her husband are trying to combine there names (Carmel Aurora and Juan Luis...
Should I call protective services about this baby girl? - 7 Answers
I know somebody who has a 6 month old baby girl. I personally have an 8 and 1/2 month old son. I am worried about this little...
please help me pick Baby Girl names xx - 12 Answers
Hubby & I are hoping for little Girl & we are just jotting down baby names, I have a list here & id really love on your opini...
Is vaginal discharge normal for a newborn baby girl? - 1 Answers
I just had a baby and it is a girl and she is 1 day old is it normal for her to spot blood out of her vagina and to have vagi...
My 4 months baby is sick. - 3 Answers
My 4 month old baby is sick with cold symptoms, what should I do?
Can I get some help on baby girl names please? - 4 Answers
Ok. So I do not have any children right now but I hope to soon. I have a lot of girl names but I can't decide on one So I wou...
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