ok so heres the situation

My daughter told me she likes boys and girls so what do I do about sleepovers? She is 13 and I dont want her dating till she is 16

Answer #1

Forget sleepovers. Especially at that age.

Answer #2

Put some trust into your daughter. At 13 she probably shouldn’t have sleep overs with guys, but no need to isolate her from all her friends that are girls.

Answer #3

Going with what will said honestly, I would only be able to trust a teenager up to a certain extent but when it comes to sex? The trust is pretty much nonexistent. Lol, we all know how teenagers are, and the teenage years are a confusing time! I know you raise both your daughters well! Otherwise they wouldn’t trust you enough to come out. But I do know your daughter is going through a lot lately, a lot of stuff a 13 year old really shouldn’t have to. I’d say if you let her have a sleepover, obviously, only girls at this age, but I’d also keep a watch on the girls. Perhaps have them sleep in the living room as oppose to a bedroom, and just check on them once in a while. Doesn’t have to be in an obnoxious way at all.

Answer #4

tell her that she cant date till shes 16 like explain that to her and why you feel that way… like i wasent allowed to date till i was 18 n i actually listened to my dad the thing with him though is i wasent even allowed to hangout with guys like outta school n my dad like sheltered me so i wouldnt, like you should trust her shes really young thou…so you should explain to her how you feel and just allow her to sleep over but only with girls no guys.

Answer #5

I didn’t mean she has sleepovers with both, she has never had a boy stay the night

Answer #6

Don’t worry about it! I like both too, but trust me, I will never have sex! Keep the girls coming for sleep overs! At least she has no chance in getting pregnant!

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