Questions & Answers

  1. When you change the question's category, do the points given to the already 'liked' answers change?
  2. What does 41k mean?
  3. Where is a Cruise from New York to England?
  4. Are there any sites that you can send a text message with your cell phone and get answers?
  5. What exactly does "herp derp" mean?
  6. How many times do you have to purge to be bulimic?
  7. Would you allow your son to have his girlfriend sleep over at his college dorm?
  8. Why do I still have baby teeth yet I'm 17?
  9. What is a good free website/program I can use to make laptop backrounds?
  10. What are your opinions on the number of young people deciding they are bisexual all of a sudden?
  11. What are some extra activities I could look into to help with being accepted into the Police force?
  12. Is a frowny piercing less likely to tear than a smiley piercing?
  13. What does that saying about reaping and sowing mean?
  14. What are some wacky dress ideas?
  15. How can I get my windshield clean if it has a film on it and it won't come off?
  16. Did they cancel No Ordinary Family?
  17. How do i please my man without intercourse?
  18. What do you do working in a cattery?
  19. Where can you find a nice Guitar Licks book with backing tracks?
  20. What would cause severe anxiety attacks?
  21. what does bulimia do to your metablism?
  22. How is food transformed into energy in the body?
  23. Is is possible for a girls boobs to shrink?
  24. Is Windows Vista worth upgrading to?
  25. What's the lost Atlantis Disney movie called?
  26. Why doesn't everyone change their clocks at the same time?
  27. Where was the first cell phone call made?
  28. Where is the arena entrance on Fable 3?
  29. Why do I keep losing my internet connections on Eyeball Chat?
  30. How does the Pocket Pouch for Blackberry work?
  31. What false eyelashes should I get if I'm going to be wearing them basically every day?
  32. How does enrolling in Universities in Australia work?
  33. What do you think about Qatar's approach of creating robot clouds to cool world cup watchers on the eve of FiFa 2022 worldcup?
  34. What would happen if I put perm 'down there' instead of on my hair?
  35. How do you feel about those 'dance letters'?
  36. How to make Lucas Mexican candy?
  37. What is Ashley Greene's ethnicity?
  38. What is a good bright pink semi -permanent hair dye I can use?
  39. Why is sunblock famous in USA and Europe but not here in tropical countries with intense sun ray?
  40. What disease could cause have someone to have a weak immune system?
  41. Can I wash my hair on Saturday with regular shampoo/conditioner after dying my hair Thursday night ?
  42. What is interval training and how do you do it?
  43. Does anyone have any good slow cooker recipes?
  44. What are some remedies for tinnitus?
  45. Do some of antiquities (old objects) have soul?
  46. How to put movies on the tmobile HD7 Phone?
  47. Who else likes Salt-N-Pepa?
  48. How does Earth Hour help?
  49. Is One Source Talent a scam, or is it legit?
  50. Should women be allowed to lie about their age in court?
  51. Why do the people I'm supposed to care about the most annoy me so much and I just want them out of my life?
  52. What should a mother tell her child when she/he asks about the father if he isn't in her life? 
  53. What photo editor is it that allows you to put fake eyelashes on your photos?
  54. How long do I have to wait after I get a spiral perm to go swimming?
  55. Why do you get the munchies when you smoke weed?
  56. What is the formula for figuring the volume of a cylinder?
  57. Is anyone else looking forward to the new U2 film?
  58. If I went to bed with clothes on, would I lose quite a bit of weight through sweat?
  59. Why isn't the paper feeding into my printer; I have a dell v305?
  60. How many pounds does 12 ounces equal to?
  61. What's the name of the song by Eminem that disses the Insane Clown Posse?
  62. Who else loves the Eurovision song contest?
  63. What hair colour best suits extremely pale skin and doesn't fade too easily?
  64. Is having braces at 21 lame looking or anything?
  65. How do you drop an egg without breaking it?
  66. How much do foreign exchange programs in highschool cost?
  67. What colleges in Alabama have the best nursing program?
  68. Does anyone know where I can get glow in the dark gloves?
  69. What would you think if someone named their daughter Stefani?
  70. Why would I have sharp spastic pains in my left kidney that come and go occasionally since I was little?
  71. What tanning bed lotion works the best?
  72. Is there any way to straighten out my teeth without spending any money?
  73. How much does it cost to go skydiving out of a plane?
  74. What is the current nuclear situation in Japan?
  75. How would you feel if your best friend goes to your family members to find out information about you that you have already told them?
  76. Do you think I need help?
  77. Who watches Food Network and who's your favourite Chef?
  78. What bands are going to be at Warped Tour this year?
  79. Why do you get goosebumps when you're cold?
  80. What would you think if your best friend said that they wanted to become a professional piercer?
  81. What's that song that was remade and it's kind of rock and it involves the word "dance"?
  82. Where can I go horse back riding in the summer in PA?
  83. What is your opinion on congestion charge?
  84. Why is it that it's not all that fun to watch scary movies alone, but it's wicked fun to watch them with a group of friends?
  85. Why is my pet turtle afraid of me and refuses to eat?
  86. Why does the music I burned off my CD not play through on my Ipod?
  87. Why is Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) back in WWE?
  88. Where could I go, or is there a website where I can find an Atari 2600?
  89. Where do I find a list that shows how many points are associated with different topics and actions? (Questions, Answers, How Tos, etc) Just curious.
  90. Should I tell my mom I think I'm bulimic?
  91. How do you get your 11 year old daughter to act a little more more mature instead of acting so childish?
  92. How do you tell an 11 year old what girl an erection is?
  93. What do you think of a career in chartered accounting?
  94. What cheap things can I use to make a costume for a battle scene (in Narnia)?
  95. Why does your muscle hurt when you get a flu vaccination?
  96. Do you think Undertaker will undertake the king in Wrestlemania?
  97. Why are people talking about the song "Friday" by Rebecca Black so much?
  98. What kind of food is usually served at a wedding?
  99. Is it okay that my cat just ate dogfood?
  100. Did anybody find that in the 3rd season of "Lie To Me" Cal Lightman seems a bit crazier?