What would you think if your best friend said that they wanted to become a professional piercer?

I’m just wondering about it because it is deffinantly something that interests me…

Answer #1

i would want them to pierce me for free lol jk i would think i was cool,its not like i can make them change there mind if it interests you go for it :)

Answer #2

well i probably wouldn’t like the idea…but i would be supportive and i’d be their friend anyways…because i’ve come to realize that u have to accept ppl for who they are not what u want them to be and if peircing is what made my friend happy then i would be as supportive as i knew how.

Answer #3

What would you say if your best friend wanted to become a tight-rope walker? What would you say if your best friend wanted to become a hen farmer? You’d be supportive and encourage their interests. You’d say ‘hey that’s so cool’ and help them make it happen. If this is what they wants to do with their life, then good for them! Life’s too short to work doing something you hate or aren’t interested in. I think it’s great that she/he is making his/her interests into his/her career.

Answer #4

I would be supportive of their decision. But at the same time I would double check if there was anything else they would want to do more. But if there wasn’t i’d help them and encourage them to follow their dream.

Answer #5

You should tell them thats great, even if you don’t like this idea. If they want to do this as a job, then let them do it, I’m sure if they were in this position and you wanted to do something as a job then they will support you no matter what. They should make the most of their life doing things they want to do, not what other people want them to do. :) If you like the idea of them wanting to be a professional piercer then thats great, if you don’t like the idea, I personally think you should still support them.

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