Questions & Answers

  1. What did they use for pads and tampons a loooong time ago, before they were invented?
  2. would u ever drink and drive in midnight....?????
  3. Was Selena pregnant when she was killed?
  4. why wont it let me follow you?
  5. Why are my ears getting extremely red and hot after taking my first dose of antibiotics?
  6. What is a public transport journey planner?
  7. how do u know how much memory you have left on the computer?
  8. How do i get over sweet cravings ?
  9. how can i change the language on my computer to french, i have a gateway NV53 ??
  10. what is a good way (other than pain releivers) to ease pain?
  11. Which is the song that says sempre neu meu corazon ?
  12. Is it possible to reformat a computer without a CD disc?
  13. whats an EP?
  14. What does the song "I swear this time i mean it" by mayday parade about?
  15. What do you think makes a girl a ''Woman''?
  16. What does the term "shawty" mean??
  17. is it bad to dye my hair and 2 days later go swimming?
  18. who has used Bikini Zone?
  19. Is it possible to prove that god *doesn't* exist?
  20. what going to happen to me when my bf gos to the navy?
  21. What vitamins do you take on a daily basis?
  22. What colors would be best to match with this color for a bedding?
  23. can you go outside your house after hours with a sentinel ankle bracelet on?
  24. are the general requirements for community college (AA degree) the same as high school classes?
  25. What kind of face wash and makeup has worked best for you?
  26. When teasing your hair, does it damage it?
  27. How do I build a boat for science class?
  28. Is the Summer's eve feminine deoderant safe to use?
  29. is it safe to keep a tampon in whilst in the bath ?
  30. How can I feel happier about going back to school?
  31. What was Mason Kardashian first word?
  32. how do I take pic with my webcam?
  33. is it a crime to kill yourself?
  34. Why do we refer to Americans/Canadians as such?
  35. How long do i have to leave the bleach kit stuffs in my hair ?
  36. Where are the best places to buy off the shoulder shirts?
  37. When did Cartoon Network start making a new show for Garfield?
  38. what is your job,how do you talk with your customers?
  39. How much does sleep affect your immune system and health?
  40. What do you think of the Tax Free Weekend (Texas)?
  41. How do i remove stains on my nails?
  42. Do any other guys ever "number one" sitting down?
  43. Where do you stand on the legalization of prostitution?
  44. What is the accual time?
  45. What is the name of the song playing in kick ace when hit girl goes in to save k.a. and big daddy?
  46. Do animals laugh?
  47. Does anyone know when the NEW series of SKINS starts ?
  48. What do you think killed Todd Whitworth?
  49. How much would it cost to fix my camera?
  50. Who think the illuminati is real?
  51. why does my hair fall off and i got like this gray mark on my face and my finger?
  52. What's a fond memory you cherish so far of the year 2010?
  53. do the family planning clinic tell your parents ?!
  54. What do GUYS think when girls love fishing??
  55. What shoe is better the shape up's or the new reebox?
  56. is it possible that a dog with worms can give those worms to a human by the dog licking the persons vagina?
  57. Is there any modelling agencey's closer to Leamington/Warwickshire than London ?
  58. when are we going to start getting paid for points and how much will we make per point?
  59. how do you give other people points?
  60. How can I update motherboard system BIOS?
  61. who knows where any of the hidden mickeys are in any of the rides at disneyland?
  62. how much do you think is polaroid film, for an old camera a borrowed from my dad nvr gave it back. lol?
  63. What are some good sites to learn about the Wiccan religion??
  64. what is the movie called where the investigators are investigating a honting at a house and all the paranormal investigators die?
  65. What STD could this be?
  66. how do i treat the wound on my dogs leg.....without having to see a vet?
  67. How do I make really fair skin pretty, and not weird and ghostly?
  68. what are some good hair scrunching products that don't make your hair stiff and for slightly curly hair?
  69. What kind of SUV is economic wise good?
  70. Who has ever eatin' at China Garden?
  71. Why are my toenails yellow?
  72. Who thinks my cousin should apply for Miss Teen Canada?
  73. where can i buy an waterproof camara ps can you pothograph under water with it?
  74. Two things you guys can help me with ( if you have the time :) ) First : How can I make my skin really pale?
  75. is the movie vampires suck worth seeing?
  76. Why am I still short? I'm 17 and 5' 6". My dad is 6' 1" and my mom is 5' 7".
  77. is it bad to drink margaritas if your 13?
  78. why do i keep getting dents in my thumbnails?
  79. Who else thinks that it would be a good idea to create a "Funadvice" app?
  80. Who has taken there permit driving test? Is it hard, im going to take mine in a few days.
  81. can u guys give me some drink or food recipes that makes my boobs biger tell me some plz?
  82. Is biting your nails bad for you?
  83. How affected will I be by my poor A-Level results: 2 D's & an E?
  84. Why do people have to be sentimental?
  85. What are tamil tigers?
  86. How do you know the devil is wrong we have never heard his side of the story?
  87. Did anybody have a really bad smell in their mouths when their braces came off?
  88. Who thinks Dr. Laura Schlessinger's "racial rant" should be cause for her to end her 30 year radio career?
  89. Does Anybody know of a good facial wash to get rid of spots fast ? ( that i can get in England ) ?
  90. Which is more Scary?
  91. When on Itunes, do things you download can they only go on your ipod or a disk too?
  92. Are nuns allowed to read fiction books?
  93. When does the movie Despicable me, come out on DVD?
  94. how many stamps do you put on a postcard from illinois to finland?
  95. What are some interesting facts with Physics?
  96. Who has stopped eating eggs since the recall?
  97. How does the 'thinkk bingo' song go before jeremy kyle?
  98. Why do we automatically think that the things that can make us better are gross?
  99. Is there anyway that I could get my hair not to be so stiff?
  100. What is Nicki Manja's "Your Love" music video about?