How much would it cost to fix my camera?

Its a Minolta X-700, or like a good estimation of what it would cost?

Answer #1

thats an expensize camera… whats wrong with it? i mean if just 1 of the buttons are bust then its just a question of replacing that 1 part.

Answer #2

My mom said it was broken. It won’t turn on and some of the buttons don’t work and I tried changing the batteries but that’s not the problem. Were not even sure how it happened :/

Answer #3

you have already tried what i would have suggested… best take it to a repair shop as it doesnt sound like its in very good condition. or you might want to email/phone your local minolta store and get a repair quote

Answer #4

:/ I’m guessing its expensive to fix it But thank you for the advice.

Answer #5

No telling, could be a few bucks to fix a loose connection to far more than the camera is worth.

Since almost everyone shoots digital now there are a lot of film SLRs on the used market. Shop around and you can probably find a good used body for less than it would cost to repair your own.

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