What did they use for pads and tampons a loooong time ago, before they were invented?

My boyfriend said “Did they just get bear fur and tie it to a stick, and shove it up there?” LMAO, he’s an idiot…>_>

Answer #1

blood cloths lol

Answer #2

Rags, sponges, grass, ect. Basically anything that absorbs..

Answer #3

Lol, eww grass.. That would be very irritating. xP

Answer #4

The used cloth and they also used a plant called lambs ear there were mixes of erbs plants and stuff that would help dry it up

Answer #5

Haha seriously :) Good thing us girls became smarter

Answer #6

actually the person who invented the tampons was a male I don’t know why they were origonaly invented but then his wife made a suggested and he modified them for period use

Answer #7

In some very poor cultures around here, they use dried cow poo and cover it with a rag, it absorbs the blood.

Before pads where generally invented they used rags, which they washed after each period.

Answer #8

Doctor whites

Answer #9

Eww, cow poo? I wouldn’t be able to do that, wouldn’t that make you stink all day? Periods already have an unpleasant odor. Sheesh…lol

Answer #10

Aside from what everyone’s said so far (dear god, cow poo?), at one point, women were putting little rubber cups inside of themselves. It’d be like a stopper, I don’t want to think about what it was like taking one out to clean and replace it.

Answer #11

It probably would, but you have to remember some of those woman are so poor that they don’t even have money for wood or clean water, so they have to use anything they can get.

Answer #12

They still have it, it’s called the menstrual cup. It’s a lot safer than tampons and you can reuse it, apparently it is easy to clean.

Answer #13

just a piece of cloth…

Answer #14

Learn something every day, huh? I can’t imagine anyone I know having the stomach to use one, especially when it comes to removing and cleaning it. Think it’s dishwasher safe?

Answer #15

Yeah I heard about that but how embarassing would it be explaining to someone what it was when they found it lol

Answer #16

Yea, true.

Answer #17

You know, they didnt necessarily just shoves clothes up there. they wore this certain belt and on it was the cloth, and the thing is if u wore it you really couldnt go out and do much, cuz then everyone would know u were on ur period.

Answer #18

Lol…”shove CLOTHES up there” ahaha… xD

Answer #19

toilet paper mabey idk or nothing i didnt even know they had periods back then i thought they were recently invented mabey they used cotton balls or they just had to deal with it and bleed all over the place

Answer #20

You didn’t know they had periods back then? That is pure ignorance…of course they had periods back then, it is a natural thing that most women go through…it wasn’t invented. We can’t invent something that happens in our body???

Answer #21

That’s like saying someone invented headaches, or vomiting..e_e

Answer #22

im mean i never heard of them until like 4th grade and i didnt know they were there a long time ago cuz i was just hearing about it and i cant help it if i didnt know somthing u shouldnt judge pple 4 not knowing something i never learned it so how am i supposed to know it?

Answer #23

Lol whoopsyy… blush but u get the point

Answer #24

A lot of children don’t know about a period when they are little…They don’t need to know about it until later when they get it…or when they soon will be getting it. That doesn’t mean that it never existed before they knew about it. Just because a child doesn’t know about sex until the learn about it, or until they experience it, doesn’t mean it never existed before then. Gahh…

Answer #25

Haha, yea :)

Answer #26

i know that im not saying it never existed im just saying i didnt know about them and i didnt mean invented i ment discoverd mabey? like electricity and headakes and other stuff

Answer #27

I meant food, not wood

Answer #28

Not really, at the sexpo I went to they advertised it, it is very safe and well I suppose just as embarrassing as explaining to someone what a tampon is. I believe that you clean it like any other sex toy, either with special cleaner or soap and water.

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