Questions & Answers

  1. What would look better on a college application: theatre guide or yearbook club?
  2. Why are people on formspring so cruel?
  3. What are steps and costs for copyrighting songs and poems that you wrote?
  4. How accurate a pregnancy test taken via blood sample?
  5. How many of you have a license to carry a concealed weapon?
  6. Do you still need a lawyer if you are being wrongly sued and you know you have all the evidence and contracts you need to win the case?
  7. What causes a meniscus?
  8. Why is Washington, D.C., called Washington (read more)?
  9. Is there a limit to how many times you can sue a certain individual?
  10. why does my baby laugh like if he was crying?
  11. Who has heard of a breed of dog called " Dogo Argentino"?
  12. What does emmancipate mean?
  13. What percent does groupon take if you use them to advertise?
  14. what dessert should i make to take to a friends for thanksgiving dinner?
  15. How can you get melted aluminium foil off the bottom of an oven?
  16. Who knows if I could use a vacuum as a stain remover?
  17. What does this mean in spanish?
  18. Is it a good idea to take 5 a-levels?
  19. Is there anyway my friend can get braces, with the state paying for them?
  20. how do you jerk off your bf? and is it possible that if you french and make out too long that you can become preqqo?
  21. How do you find a chat room for people from your state?
  22. How often do you swear?
  23. What would you do if a young 13-15 teen on FunAdvice confides to you that they are meeting a total stranger, an adult 20-28 also from FunAdvice?
  24. What would your first instinct be if you were caught in a fire?
  25. What if a baby has blond hair and blue eyes, is it still possible that the father is Hispanic?
  26. What is the big deal about being student of the year at your school?
  27. Is is possible for someone to go to your cell phone company and find out what it is that you say and do while you text message someone?
  28. Does an appendix do anything at all for our bodies?
  29. Is it a bad thing to masturbate @ age 13?
  30. How can I get smoke/soot stains out of carpet?
  31. Do you prefer a roast beef from Arby's or a taco from Taco Bell?
  32. Is conversating a word in English?
  33. Do males get stomach cramps, like females?
  34. What's your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
  35. How do I get through to my teenage daughter that she is being selfish and disrespectful?
  36. what are some funny/good christmas movies?
  37. how to correct grammar error?
  38. How do you guys feel about polls?
  39. What do you think of unemployment and how they have extended unemployment benefits?
  40. Would raising the age for Social Security be beneficial for the program?
  41. Does the Nikon D5000 have bulb mode?
  42. When is the sequel to brsinger coming out?
  43. what do these mean - viral video,BDSM,BBW,etc?
  44. What's the biggest meal you've ordered for yourself at Mc Donalds?
  45. who here plan's on watching the royal wedding on april 29th?
  46. How fast does your body build muscle?
  47. Who has been to Detroit, Michigan and is it as bad as people say?
  48. Which is better, peanut butter, or chocolate fudge?
  49. What are some good liberal colleges for a major in English?
  50. If a police officer is not on duty, but sees somebody doing something illegal, what happens?
  51. Which phone should i get if I'm switching to Virgin Mobile?
  52. What would be the best way to learn to speak Hebrew?
  53. Why didnt i orgasm?
  54. How do i figure out if he isnt playing games with me?
  55. What are 10 things you would say to yourself if you had the chance?
  56. Does anyone know if is legit?
  57. whats a nube?
  58. How can you improve your iron deficiency?
  59. how do you take the contact lense out of the glasses?
  60. What are some good ideas for fun slideshows?
  61. What are some good sites to look at emo/scene (more scene) pictures?
  62. Which articel (a/an) is more correct before the letter 'h'?
  63. how do you give CPR or the heimlich maneuver to one who is pregnant?
  64. Why can't you re-freeze icecream?
  65. What harm can smoking cigarettes while pregnant cause?
  66. Is it possible to overdose on vitamins?
  67. What is the USA doing about the situation in North and South Korea?
  68. Who tried manasul tea and how is it?
  69. What did he mean, ''you're like my oasis''?
  70. How would an airport handle a "patdown" of a cancer patient who has a colostomy bag?
  71. Why does proactive dry out your skin?
  72. What is wrong with my dog ?
  73. What is the cheapest but decent car you can buy??
  74. How can I block off the under part of my bed?
  75. Why do they say, "you can't help others unless you help yourself"?
  76. What is the difference between when girls get married with a white dress or an ivory dress?
  77. Is chloasma (brown patches of skin on the face) caused by pregnancy, permanant?
  78. What is a preppy girl?
  79. Who knows if rid-x actually works?
  80. Whats the difference between the directors cut and the normal movie?
  81. Could manure somehow be an alternative to fuel/gas?
  82. when people look at your picture that u post on line do they treat u different?
  83. what are your favorite dance styles?
  84. What is your least favorite household chore and what do you do to make it more bearable?
  85. Who is the wealthiest person in the world, and how wealthy are they?
  86. How much money do you need to retire at 30yrs old?
  87. How likely is that a photo doesn't send on your cellphone when you hit cancel?
  88. Can flossing cause little cuts on the gums?
  89. What shall i do to surprise the person i like who is coming back from australia?
  90. What does it mean if your small dog's feces are yellow?
  91. What number is in between 8.9 and 9.2?
  92. Is there anything wrong with acne detox pills?
  93. How much does a salon facial on average cost?
  94. When you are gonna turn in a job application what is the best thing to do or say when turning it in?
  95. Who is Hallie Berry?
  96. What is the point of
  97. What breast augmentation is the best for the least visible scares, and the most natural look?
  98. when is Stacey Solomon's son's Birthday ??
  99. What are the physical properties of polycarbonate plastic?
  100. Does caffeine make you horney?