how to correct grammar error?

like i need help with sentence structure,organization,mechanics,

Answer #1

Grammar can be tough - it’s one of those “you know it, or you don’t” kind of things. I think the best way to learn it is to read a lot books (grammar is quite important in the writings of a novel), and do some extra practices on your own. Is there something specific you need help with?

Answer #2

This are a few grammer checking sites online you might find helpful. I use Grammarly, paper rater and Spell check plus on all my articles before I publish them to ensure I don’t have a bunch of grammar mistakes.

Answer #3

Doing a part time course at university or any other institution is also great for sharpening your grammar skills and then like Colleen said reading a lot helps immensely. Just read things in what you are interested in, eventually it’ll become second nature.

Answer #4

in the ged book i have sentence structure organization mechanics usage

Answer #5

try “wren and martin book” it wrks wondrs

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