Questions & Answers

  1. How can I go to school in the UK?
  2. What should my boyfriend and I talk about?
  3. How do I get rid of pimples and what kinda haircut to get?
  4. Is my weight of 101.5 pounds normal?
  5. What should I do for my sweet 17?
  6. My friend wants to get fat
  7. What's the best way to put highlights in your hair?
  8. How do I bleach my hair with peroxide?
  9. What is going on with this?
  10. I need guys to help me with this paper!
  11. What is the average weight for a person who is 4'11?
  12. Can my dog have puppies with only three tits?
  13. How can I fix my low self esteem?
  14. What if my best friend likes my boyfriend?
  15. How can I get over him, once and for all?
  16. Who knows whether it is better to be skinny or curvy?
  17. How does "Romeo and Juliet" relate to Italian family?
  18. How early do pregnancy symptoms start?
  19. How can I get my legs smaller?
  20. How can I tell my parents that I'm pregnant with 6 babies?
  21. How can I get rid of blackheads on my nose?
  22. How can I slim down my thighs?
  23. How do you lose weight in your breasts?
  24. Can Muslims date outside their religion?
  25. Is anyone here a Brand New fan?
  26. Can I get pregnant if I was just getting off my period?
  27. Will I ever find Mr. Right or should I give up?
  28. How much does a BMW mechanic make?
  29. How do I make him really horny?
  30. How can I get out of this major ticket?
  31. What can I do about this unsafe diet of cocaine?
  32. When do you know that a guy is serious?
  33. Do you think we should be having a baby?
  34. How can I get rid of vaginal thrush?
  35. What are these red dots on my penis?
  36. How to deal with my best friend's new friend?
  37. Is it safe to cut my calories like this?
  38. What are REAL jobs for teens?
  39. What's the fastest way to lose love handles?
  40. Can I work at Winn-Dixie if I'm 14?
  41. How can I stop cutting my wrists?
  42. How can I stop this teasing?
  43. Why do boiled eggs fall apart when I peel them?
  44. What's a good place to buy belly button rings?
  45. How can I become beautiful and get my first kiss?
  46. How do you texturize hair?
  47. How can I stop fighting with my mom?!
  48. Why do some people want to do it when they're not married?
  49. What's the worst that can happen if I skip testing hair dye?
  50. How long should I wait to swim after eating dinner?
  51. How can I repair split ends or stop further damage?
  52. Should I be mad about my boyfriend playing strip pool?
  53. What's a good job to get with pets?
  54. How to get more waves in hair for black men?
  55. What to do if he's practicing self control and won't touch me?
  56. How can I make yellow hair look more natural?
  57. Where can a felon work in Ft. Lauderdale, FL?
  58. Can I feed eggs to my hamsters?
  59. Does putting parakeet eggs in a nesting box help them hatch?
  60. How can I slim down one cheek?
  61. Any jobs for 14 year olds?
  62. Why are my breasts leaking milk after 8 years?
  63. Will lemon juice work to remove pimples?
  64. Am I ugly? (Girls or guys)
  65. Will i disappoint my parents with this career?
  66. How can I tell the guy who likes me I don't like him?
  67. Can fingering a girl trigger her period?
  68. What if you aren't someone's type and you like them?
  69. Can you get an STD if the guy pulled out?
  70. What does semen taste like?
  71. Any advice for getting rid of curves?
  72. How can I get my guy back?
  73. What's the average penis size?
  74. Can I move out at 17 in Missouri?
  75. Are depression medications healthy emotionally?
  76. Are you supposed to shave inside your butt?
  77. Where are the cheapest places to get airline tickets?
  78. Can we get back together if I stay clean?
  79. Why cant I lose inches in my abs?
  80. How many Russians have been to the moon?
  81. Is this guy playing me and should I bother?
  82. Can I dye black hair brown somehow?
  83. What is this puzzling cat condition?
  84. Will permanent dye ruin chances for highlights?
  85. How do I tell my secret crush I like him?
  86. To tell or not to tell about my sister's infidelity?
  87. How can I save a frosted rubber tree plant?
  88. Should I tell my niece's secret since she told mine?
  89. What are some tips for anal sex?
  90. How can I make better basketball shots?
  91. Can I dye my hair blonde if I have highlights?
  92. How long until I can swim after a naval piercing?
  93. What is the average weight for my height?
  94. How can I clear up my skin?
  95. Do you use "good" or "well"?
  96. What are the chances of pregnancy?
  97. Can a clothing store tell when something is stolen or missing?
  98. Can my Grandpa get custody of me without reason?
  99. What's the legal age I can move out in Texas? (continued)
  100. What's a good graduation party theme and what food should I serve?