How can I get over him, once and for all?

Ok, well i cant get over this boy that i have liked for ever. Yall just don’t know. I wanna cry right now. He sits there telling me how much he loves me and crap then the next day he treats me like shit. We never went out but we were so close to it. And i cant get over him no matter what. I have dated at least 2 boys since him… but i still cant get over him…. and now I’m hurt. and this time its really bad… i need someone to talk to about it. so if there are any girls that have any advice on how to get over him.. please fun mail me or something. thankss

Answer #1

I was once told that no guy is worth your tears…

I went through a terrible break-up a little while back. I wrote a letter to him and put in it his locker. In that, I confessed everything and told him how I honestly felt. I think that really helped me get over things. Take a ‘Girls Day Out’ with your closest friends. It really helps get your mind off your troubles and to just relax. I also threw out many things that reminded me of this boy. I then didn’t have to look at them and have memories attached with it. However, I’m not saying you should just forget everything about him forever. Nobody deserves to be forgotten in life. Turn this whole situation into a learning experience.

Go ahead and talk to him. There might be a side of the story you don’t know. It might be all in your head. It’s okay to cry in front of him (I have done it). It helps them see how you really feel and that your emotions are more expressive than he probably thought.

You sound like and look like a sweet girl - find someone who treats you right and doesn’t confuse you. You’re still young. You have plenty of chances to meet that perfect guy who makes you cry tears of joy and not pain. If you want to talk to me a little more, feel free to Fun Mail me.

Always, lifeoftheparty20

Answer #2

i went throught something like that but u should get over it boys suck just like my mom said and just like how all mothers say . what u should do is try to relax and be with family and friends so u can forget about him i forgot about my ex that way and u should to .

Answer #3

well, have u every talked to him about how he treats u or how u feel about him. even though ull probably damn near cry just talking to him about it , u hsould just talk to him and get it over with trust me It’’ll be worth it in the long run. he is aguy, he probably doesn’t even relize wat he’s doing trust me I have a friend who use to be like that

Answer #4

my girl i tell u u should let your tears down but after that tell yourself is a brand new start even i am a guy i also can’t stand this kind of guy who blow hot and cold

Answer #5

The operative word in that sentence was a boy.I have lived through 17 years of abuse and I am only in my early 40’s and those words still ring in my ears from my own past. You deserve to be loved and treated with dignity, believe me my husband does not trat me with any respect and i should never have goten married but he was pulling me out an abusive relationship and I finally said what the hell and got married. That was not a good enough reason and my self esteem has suffered more than ever. Take your time and find the one who will treat you the way a lady shouold be treated and I really do know that at this moment those words do not help you but cry throw a few things and get on with your business and he may just what he messed up. Good Luck

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