Am I ugly? (Girls or guys)

I’m getting like this feeling from my self like that I’m how do you say ugly. Which everyone else tells me different cause I have a lot of guys that like me or whatever and they think I’m hot but I think I’m kinda ugly but I always get that I’m hot or they want to have sex with me can someone tell me if im rite am I really ugly??? plzz reply

Answer #1

No, not at all. You can find beauty in just about everyone if you really look and it’s not just about your physical appearance, it’s your whole essance, what you physically look like is only a very small part of it, besides, you’re a very pretty girl. it’s funny how we notice flaws in ourselves that others don’t.I’m 16 yrs old and it’s not that I’m ugly or anything, I mean, people always tell me I look fine, sometimes even pretty, but I have very low self-confidence. I think I have a big forehead and my nose looks kind of up-turned, but when I ask my friends and family, they say I’m imagining things. I can’t see your face very clearly in either of those pics, but you have very big, bright eyes and good brows. You’re a nice looking girl and you shouldn’t need anyone on this site or any boys to tell you so. No matter what you do, never determine your self-worth by how many boys “want to have sex with you” or “think you’re hot.” You and every other young girl out there are much too good for that and I hope that you won’t go through the same path many other girls go down and become sexually promiscuous to make yourself feel better. I was reading one of your other questions about how you’re ready to have sex with your bf, and I hate to burst your bubble, but if you’re posting questions asking people if you’re ugly, you’re not ready for sex. If you’re not comfortable with yourself, how are you supposed to get intimate. Besides, you look very young to me, I was actually thinking about having sex myself for awhile but thank the good Lord above I came to my senses. About 9 out of 10 teenage guys are “hit and run” and I’m probably being generous, don’t let that happen to you, you’re worth waiting for. I’m not trying to force my views onto you, but I hope that you’ll take all this into consideration and think long and hard about all of this, hopefully you’ll make the right decision. Anyhow, I sincerly hoped my answer helped and I wish you the best in getting over your low self-esteem, peace up! P.S. Confidence isn’t neccessarily about how you look, it’s more how you perceive yourself. There are plenty of people who don’t fit the stereo-type of good-looking but still have all the confidence in the world, and I say good for them. Hopefully both you and I will be able to be like that ourselves. All self-consciousness does is hold you back, stop obsessing over your appearance and focuse on other things. People try desperately to perfect their looks so that they can fill a void, something missing in their overall character. If you have a dtrong personality, people will know and love you for it. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look your best, but try not to obsess, when it comes to looks, you get what you get and I’m just starting to reconcile that myself. That’s the only face/body you’re every going to have so appreciate it. There are people missing limbs and with serious facial deformitites, so imagine that, then take a loom at your own face. Enough said………

Answer #2

Im only new to being a teenager and theres a few guys im interested in and they dont seem to see me…how do I make myself look nice without packing on make-up and breaking school rules?

Answer #3

No one is ugly It the personality that count. Most boys said that because they want to have sex with you. They call you ugly because you don’t do that stuff like those other girls.They call me ugly put I don’t pay it no attention. I know that I’m doing something right. Trust me I know they say it to me to. THey don’t mean it they just want to you. Be careful

Answer #4

you are beautiful inside and out,and yeah everyone feels ugly sometimes.Even the most beautiful girls feel ugly because they think blah… so sick of it all,or whatever. Not everyones gonna like you and have the same personality as I do.I think everyones beautiful and no ones ugly,because why judge someone on appearence,it’s the inside that counts the most.

Answer #5

No ur not…just be confident + dont focus on getting a stereotypical twat of a guy cos he’s cool + evry1 likes him!!


Answer #6

This is from a complete random, so you should listen; you are not in the slightest ugly judging by your pic.

Your infact very pretty.

You should believe in yourself, that often makes people seem very beautiful and bold.



Answer #7

no, you’re not ugly at all…

teenage boys would have sex with a hole in a tree if they could get away with it.

it sounds like you have confidence issues to work out. It’ll be fine. You’re still growing up.

Everyone is self-conscious when they’re teenagers… it’s normal.

just remember this: the most attractive quality anyone can have is confidence.

If you like yourself and you know it, nothing makes you look better than that.

Answer #8

I get traeted like crap from my colleages and since I was 11 the only thing that kept growing was my fore-head,nose,acne,and stomach so I understand,my mom says I’m pretty and so do her friends…but I can tell from their eyes that they’re lying!and I get mistaken for a boy a I can undertand.. at least you’re prettier than me…

Answer #9


Answer #10


Answer #11

no you hot Lol

Answer #12

Like everyone else has told you confidence is the key..You are a beautiful girl!

Answer #13

at least you not as ugly as me..

Answer #14

no u r not ugly!!

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