Beauty & Style Questions

  1. Is having braces at 21 lame looking or anything?
  2. What tanning bed lotion works the best?
  3. Can laying on your stomach increase or decrease the size of your boobs?
  4. Do a lot of girls wear fake nails, acrylic, or the plastic ones at stores?
  5. How do I use sculpting lotion on my hair?
  6. Is Contractubex effective in removing white scars?
  7. What is a home remedy to get rid of wrinkles, that works?
  8. Is it bad that at night I run my fingers through my hair for like an hour getting hair out of it? Like I don't rip it out, I just run my fingers through.
  9. What are microdermals?
  10. How do you fix/cover up a darker upper lip?
  11. How do you get rid of burn scars?
  12. Who would recommend the hair extensions from Trade Secrets?
  13. Why do you get a white patch between your eyebrows whenever you wax?
  14. Can you use re-gen oil (same as bio oil) on your face?
  15. Can Reebok ReeTone shoes be used by boys, or is it only for girls?
  16. What do you guys think of Lady Gaga's new hairstyle?
  17. Why are some people born with one eye being one color and the other eye being a different color?
  18. Does anyone know if there's a way to get a wig made for someone in particular?
  19. Is it better to dye your hair when it's clean or dirty?
  20. Are suits with skinny jeans hot?
  21. Should guys wear foundation?
  22. How to get curly hair to shine?
  23. How would you go about making the hair under your leg invisible?
  24. What are some ways I can cut down the time on blow drying my hair?
  25. What is a good product that I can spray on my wavy/straight hair to make it curly?
  26. How can you make yourself look more like a Border Collie (it's for a school play)?
  27. Why do I get dry skin under my nose?
  28. How do you get rid of heat spots?
  29. When doing my acrylic nails myself, can I take a shower the same day or will it ruin my nails?
  30. Is it possible to make brown hair white without bleaching it ?
  31. When can I box dye my hair again?
  32. How did teenage girls do their hair in the 90's?
  33. How can I draw very dramatic stitches on my face?
  34. What are some really creative ideas for a hat?
  35. Who can help me get close to my old hair part back again?
  36. What are dry shampoos?
  37. How do I prevent getting massive, fist-sized knots in my hair?
  38. How to look good in photographs?
  39. Is it ok if I spray heat protection then I straighten my hair and smokes comes up?
  40. How long does it take drink mix dyed hair to fade?
  41. Is it ok to use a flat iron on hair extensions that are fake hair not real?
  42. Where do you go to get eyebrows professionally done and how much does it usually cost?
  43. How do I know if my bellybutton piercing is infected and what can I do for it?
  44. Can anyone help me with how I can look indie at school?
  45. What are the benefits of putting eggs on your face?
  46. How do I make my denim shoes white again?
  47. Whats a good place or website I can get a custom made t-shirt?
  48. How can I darken newly dyed hair without buying more dye?
  49. Why do people with freckles often 'hate' them?
  50. What are some cute ways to cut over-sized t-shirts?
  51. What eyeliner does the trick to make your eyes brighter and less tired?
  52. What is the best makeup to use to cover acne scarring?
  53. Why do you have to have your birth certificate to get your bellybutton pierced?
  54. Does it have to be hot out to go tanning?
  55. How are loofahs made, and what are they made out of?
  56. How many times can you dye your hair before it completely ruins it?
  57. Does Locks of Love accept dyed hair?
  58. Why are the standards of beauty usually the same?
  59. What is your favourite MALE perfume?
  60. What is the cause of white spots on nails and how would you get rid of them?
  61. How do I get Bohemian waves with just hairspray?
  62. Why does my hair/scalp smell really bad?
  63. How do you put in one of those nose studs with the hook on the end?
  64. Do any woman have pantyhose fetish?
  65. How can I feel more confident with my big butt and thighs in shorts?
  66. Can they refuse to give you a tattoo if you're 'too skinny'?
  67. Do I put hair serum after I blow dry and straighten my hair or before?
  68. How do you find out what size ear rim BCR you have in?
  69. Can you have your belly pierced after rejection?
  70. Is it normal to flip my hair if I'm a guy?
  71. What can I use to clean my earrings I got at a thrift store with?
  72. Can you back-comb your hair every day without damaging it?
  73. Can you tell if a Chanel purse is fake without close examination?
  74. Why do people wear the same clothes every day?
  75. How should I dress up for MTV day?
  76. What kind and color of clothing suits a 13 year old girl with brown hair freckles light skin and brown eyes?
  77. Where can I buy nice makeup for cheap?
  78. How many times can you have your belly button done?
  79. Which one do you think contributes to making a person look their best - face (makeup), hair, or clothes?
  80. How to dress a boy shaped body?
  81. How do you dress "vintage"?
  82. Which hairstyle do you think looks best - scrunched, curled, or straightened?
  83. Are a purse and a handbag the exact same thing?
  84. Where was Chanel made in, like, France, Italy, Paris?
  85. How can you tell if a Coach, Chanel, Prada or something is real or fake?
  86. What's a good thing to use while tanning that won't cause bad sunburn (not tanning lotion)?
  87. How would i convert 11.2g of CuSO4 into moles?
  88. Does coconut oil really reduce acne and acne scars?
  89. What's the difference between tips and fake nails completely?
  90. What brand of jeans is better - Polo Assassin or Levi's?
  91. Is Chanel a good brand of purse?
  92. How do you fishtail plait?
  93. What era/trend/style would you like to make a major comeback?
  94. Is it possible to have fun in a pool and not get your hair wet?
  95. How can I prevent my feet from getting dirty when I wear sandals ?
  96. How can I get my makeup to stay on longer?
  97. Which is better - Neutrogena visibly clear or T-Zone?
  98. What era do you think this dress would belong in?
  99. Is there any way to delay the growth of grey hair?
  100. What is the best brand for sport shoes you would recommend your friends?