Can you have your belly pierced after rejection?

right, story is about 3 years ago i had my belly done and a few months later my body rejected the piercing ( but i did have it done at a “ dodgy “ place ) so a year after i had it re-done in the same place and at the same shop, yes i know i was daft to have it done at the same shop “/ and yet again a few months later my body rejected it :( and at the moment im trying to loose weight so i was thinking about having my belly re-done in the same place but not until i reach my ideal weight but would my body reject it again? or did it only rejected because i had it done at a “ dodgy “ place?

Answer #1

wat do u mean rejected it? its a peircing so ur body is not gonna take it well till it starts to heal. its gonna hurt and be swollen and have puss in it till it gets used to it there and heals a lil

Answer #2

If its just through loose skin, then it will probably always be rejected :( It sucks. i’ve heard if you get it done behind the scar thats left, the scar tissue helps keep it in for longer, but i don’t know. Its the same story with my eyebrow, i had it done twice at two different shops and it rejected both times within a few months. You could try getting it in a different place though and maybe it won’t reject as fast?

Answer #3

Yes, be sure to mention to the piercer that your last one was rejected though. Usually thats caused by the type of jewelry used or your body just not accepting the foreign object. Just be prepared for it to happen again.

Answer #4

the skin the bar went through just kept getting thinner and thinner an would of eventually snapped so i had to take it out

Answer #5

oh weird thats wat that means. never heard of that. well i dunno about that. maybe it will eventually get used to it and stop rejecting it. keep tryin it will probly biuld scar tissue till it gets to hard to push out again

Answer #6

No. you can not

Answer #7

what do you mean by rejection?my belly is pierced too

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