When can I box dye my hair again?

so I recently box dyed my hair 7 dAys ago a lighter blond then I already have, it turned out good but my roots didn’t lighten up as much as the rest so could I do it again now without it changing the colour of my hair ?

Answer #1

Generally, you should dye your hair no more than every 3-6 months because of all of the damage it will do. However, if you know how to take really good care of your hair, you may be able to get by with dying it once a month.

I would wait at least a month before dying it again, and be sure to do some sort of hot oil treatment or similar after you dye it again. Check out my How To on “How To Make Your Own Hot Oil Treatment, and Apply It.” - http://www.funadvice.com/howto/hot_oil_treatment_apply

Answer #2

Well you could go and get a box of root touch up in the same color and use it directly on your roots. If you were to bleach your hair again it will change the color and cause some pretty bad damage. There should be a period of 6 months between each time you dye your hair. I really suggest the root touch up though if you can find it in the same color as your hair.

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