How many times can you dye your hair before it completely ruins it?

like after the 3-6 months are over then re-dying it?

Answer #1

There are people that dye their hair every few months for their entire life, although it’s not healthy for your hair, I don’t believe it ever completely ruins it to the point of no return.

Answer #2

That all depends on your hair type, the dye being used, and how you care for your hair. I dye my hair monthly because my pink fades fast. I have naturally oily hair though and it helps to keep it from not drying out. I also dont use elastic ponytails, alot of product, and use a hot oil treatment to condition it once a month. My hair is extremely healthy still and my stylist is always shocked at how i have no damage despite how much we dye it.

Answer #3

I think it depends how you dye it & your after care, like if you use uhm I forgot what it’s called, treatments.

Answer #4

okaay, thanks everyone! :) i’ve been dying my hair since fourth grade, im now in 9th (but it wasn’t like i dyed it alot back then) i just recently started dying it like every 3 months or so.

Answer #5

I’ve heard it’s possible to over bleach or dye your hair to the point that it falls out.

Answer #6

i heard that too

Answer #7

ive been dying my hair myself since i was 11.. ive had it white with blueblack on the bottom, brown, black, then red, then black with red on the bottom, ginger, brown again, tryed and failed to go back to my natural colour blonde, red again, purple, blue. in three years. you name it ive had it. im lucky enough to have extremely thick strong hair and i trim it regularly. it completely varies between hair types and what colour and how drastic the change is.. a friend of mine with naturally thick long ginger hair had bleached highlights. her hair started falling out and frazzled and now has shoulder length thin hair and you can see her scalp. an easy way to avoid all the hassle.. is to deep condition your hair. after dying or stripping my hair, or sometimes just at the weekends after a week off attacking it with heat.. i put on a conditioner for sleek smooth hair, any brand, it all does the same to be honest.. i cover my hair roots to tips and massage it in. I then make sure ive got a hot towel from the radiator and i wrap it around my hair like a turban and leave in on for as long as i can, soemtimes up to about 8 hours. i then wash it out and dry it as usual. it does great to my hair and always looks shiny and looks after coloured hair the best. hope this helped :)

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