Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. Do you believe they truly found Noah's Ark?
  2. Why are the horoscopes in the newspapers, websites, or magazines only directed to women?
  3. Why do Catholics have to eat that host when they go to church?
  4. Can people really "sense" things?
  5. What do people really think about Pagans?
  6. What is a "Patron Saint"?
  7. Do we not all live to prepare to die?
  8. Can Medusa turn Greek gods into stone?
  9. What is the difference between Poseidon and Neptune?
  10. Do you think aura reading is true?
  11. What to do if your parents are forcing religion onto you?
  12. What are the tools needed for ghost hunting?
  13. Do you believe Physcics/Fortune tellers can really see your future?
  14. Why do Muslim ladies wear the hijab?
  15. Do you believe in a higher power?
  16. What is your testimony?
  17. Is that true that women have a sixth sense?
  18. How do I succeed in astral projection?
  19. Is it okay if for a Christian to be goth and like vampires?
  20. How big is ‘the world’?
  21. Do you believe in spiritualists and card reading?
  22. Are there any dream experts on here?
  23. Do you believe in the Enfield poltergeist?
  24. Do you believe in God or do you want to believe in a God?
  25. What are some interesting religions I can consider?
  26. Did you know that they found vampires in the 1700's?
  27. What will happen in 12/21/2012?
  28. Why am I obsessed with The Amityville Horror?
  29. What are your thoughts on 2012 and "the end of the world"?
  30. do you think he was being sarcastic??
  31. How can I experience the Mothman?
  32. What are some ways you get back into the Christmas spirit?
  33. What do you say to someone who believes in God but not what Jesus did?
  34. What are some things I can do for God's will?
  35. What helped you choose the religion you have today?
  36. How can something have the ability to do anything?
  37. Do Wiccan spells really work?
  38. How do you get a demon to leave without an exorcist?
  39. Do you belive in horoscopes like the ones that are on Facebook?
  40. What are some of your family's (or your own) Christmas traditions?
  41. What type or kind of place do you think this psychic woman meant?
  42. What are your thoughts on churches banning interracial couples?
  43. Why do I keep getting yelled at for wearing a cross?
  44. Do soldiers who have killed go to heaven?
  45. Does your family have a traditional Thanksgiving prayer?
  46. What do I call a classmate with this atitude?
  47. How is Christianity able to spread so quickly among the people in Umuofia in the book "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe?
  48. FunAdvice Poll: Do you think Egyptian protesters are acting within their legal rights?
  49. Is there a religion where you believe in God but refuse to worhip him?
  50. What kind is the best kind of elf?
  51. Do spirits fart?
  52. is earth heaven?... or is it hell?
  53. What are some good ideas for an indoor full moon ritual?
  54. What is the symbolism of All Saint's Day?
  55. Is there anything that keeps spirits away?
  56. How do people feel when they meet a Muslim?
  57. Can horoscopes predict when a person is going to have a child?
  58. Is the zodiac sign true?
  59. Who do you think G-d is, and what is your opinion on Jesus?
  60. What does "Kosher" mean?
  61. Why do you think that God lets children be born with deformities, and even bring some babies into the world, but then they die again?
  62. What is your objection to the cosmological proof of the existence of God?
  63. What is your objection to the teleological proof of the existence of God?
  64. How many pairs of twins are mentioned in the Bible?
  65. Which zodiac signs are more compatible with Libra or Virgo?
  66. Do you believe in horoscopes and what do you think they symbolize?
  67. Who thinks Muslim people are terrorists?
  68. Who finds it ridiculous to petition against the phrase "God bless you" in schools (read more)?
  69. Is the fortune teller on Facebook's astrology application real?
  70. Why do some people go overboard with religion and make *everything* about God/the bible?
  71. Where would you prefer to get married?
  72. What are some characteristics of humorous and religous greeting cards?
  73. Do you think that the sale of three churches for $1 is a sign that Catholicism is beginning to fade?
  74. Why do Islamic boys have to be at least 7 years old to pray?
  75. Why can't you get married by church again after you've been married by church in the past?
  76. How should a Jehovah's Witness woman behave?
  77. What are the 5 Islamic daily prayers and what do they mean?
  78. Is it possible that the dead can call the living?
  79. Do Christians believe in Dinosaurs?
  80. What happens after first Jehova's Witness door-to-door visit?
  81. Can dead animals haunt houses?
  82. Are auras real?
  83. What are the god(s) and values of your religion?
  84. Is drinking a sin?
  85. Why don't people combine religion and science?
  86. Is smoking a sin?
  87. Why are all these strange (paranormal) things happening to me?
  88. What would you consider to be a "sin"?
  89. How are Christian and Jewish beliefs different?
  90. What are the grossest foods you've ever heard of?
  91. How can I help my boyfriend find God?
  92. What does it mean when you're an old soul?
  93. What's the difference between a star sign and a zodiac sign?
  94. Does it mention anywhere in the Bible about having 7 people identical to you?
  95. How can you tell if a demon's soul is in you?
  96. Is it true that when people die and God(s) save them from eternal suffering, they get their own personal paradise?
  97. Why do people act crazy in church?
  98. Why is watching pornography a sin?
  99. What do you call a person that does not believe in any religion?
  100. Why do women have to cover their hair in some Church's - specifically Lutheran?
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