Do Christians believe in Dinosaurs?

Do Christians believe in Dinosaurs?

Answer #1

some christians i run into tell me that dinosaurs are the lies of satan, and that fossils were put there in their place by satan to deceive people

Answer #2

I asked myself that the other day! ‘Cause if God created the world then put humans on it.. how did dinosaurs get here?? I asked my Mum, who calls herself a Christian, and she didn’t answer -.-

Answer #3

I’m a Christian and I believe in Dinosaurs(: But some of my Christian friends don’t, I think its more of a personal thing, Some do some don’t.

Answer #4

I am Christian and i believe in dinosaurs, becasue there are fossils! I dont know if there were really dino or just huge ass animals backthen becasuse i was not there. But ya i belive that dino were there!

Answer #5

I’m Christian and I believe in dinosaurs… fossils prove a lot :)

Answer #6

Im a Christian and I have to say its pretty hard to deny the existance of something where you can see the crazy huge skeletons

Answer #7

Why wouldn’t you believe in dinosaurs? There is factual proof that they use to rome the earth. I don’t care what my Apostle throws in my face but you better have some proof to make believe you. I think that’s my the older people at my church don’t like me b/c I’m questioning everything that They say…oh well. I’m sorry that I don’t believe everything someone tells me.

Answer #8

yes we do

Answer #9

The reason I asked is because the existence of dinosaurs contradicts what the bible teaches us about how our world was created and how old it is.

Answer #10

Christianity has been around a long time and has splintered into thousands of different sects and churches. They don’t all believe in the same thing. There is a group called Young Earth Creationists who believe that the universe is thousands of years old rather than billions. Most young earth creationists I talk to believe in dinosaurs but think that humans and dinosaurs lived together thousands of years ago rather than most dinosaurs becoming extinct millions of years before man. Some even believe the behemoths in the bible are what scientists now call dinosaurs.

Answer #11

As filetofspam said, it is only young earth creationists who are so extreme that they either deny they existed, or think they existed only a few thousand years ago. One can still be a christian and accept the truth about dinosaurs and evolution. Even the catholic church, the first and largest christian church in the world accepts that the story of genesis is allegorical, and not the literal story of how the earth was created and how life came to be on the planet. Some of these loonies have actually created a Creation Museum in Kentucky, that depicts dinosaurs with saddles and humans riding them. These people are completely nuts…

Answer #12

Well yes I do believe in Dinosaurs. Ever heard of Job 40:15-24?

Answer #13

Does it Laura? Plese educate me on how it does.

Answer #14

Please don’t tell me that you think dinosaurs and men lived at the same time. I know you are smarter than that. The bible is not evidence. Fossil are evidence, and we KNOW that dinosaurs died out 65 MILLION years ago.

Answer #15

Joshua, in order to be educated, you have to accept that your preconceived notions could be wrong. It seems you are not willing to do that.

Answer #16

What Jimahl? I could say the same for you but I would be happy for her to educate me on the matter.

Answer #17

Fossil are evidence? Kind of a bad time but I’m not that found of grammar myself. Also the question followed… “DO CHRISTIANS BELIEVE IN DINOSAURS?” Since Christian text is the bible then I will appeal to it as an authority. Circular Reasoning happens when you claim something and your evidence happens to be your same claim just reworded. This is not the case when talking about the religion itself (Doctrine)

Answer #18

the Christian

Answer #19

Cut out in

Answer #20

I do not have preconceived notions. Mine are based on real hard science. Science that has never once been successfully challenged.

Answer #21

I do not have preconceived notions. Mine are based on real hard science. Science that has never once been successfully challenged.

Answer #22

Yes, fossilS are evidence. It was not grammatical, it was a typing error. We all make them. The claim is that dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. The evidence are the fossils and radiometric dating. Nothing circular about it. While you can believe what ever you want, the bible is not evidence of anything other than an ancient text that makes supernatural claims. Claims that have no evidence whatsoever to back them up.

Answer #23

It contradicts what the bible teaches us because there is no mention of dinosaurs in the bible or am I wrong?

Answer #24

In the bible it says that God created all of the animals on the earth. Dinosaus were land animals so I’d think they’re included (: And the fossils make sense…

Answer #26

Thats kinda creepy O_O

Answer #27

Katie, it also says in the bible that the earth is only 6000 years old. We KNOW that is not true.

Answer #28

Jimahl that is just an estimation, if you look back in the history of the bible, some of it get lost in translation. In the original version not all of it could be translated and some had to be estimations. Like how it says the world was created in seven days, that was messed up in translation. The original was seven increments of time so it could be thousands of years in one “Day”

Answer #29

Jimahl that is just an estimation, if you look back in the history of the bible, some of it get lost in translation. In the original version not all of it could be translated and some had to be estimations. Like how it says the world was created in seven days, that was messed up in translation. The original was seven increments of time so it could be thousands of years in one “Day”

Answer #30

Sorry it double commented(:

Answer #31

Megan, we know the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. To say 6000 years is just an estimate of that is silly. That is like saying you estimated a new dress to be 2 cents and the actual cost is $1500. And according to the bible, it is 6000 years since god allegedly rested, when days were counted by the rising and setting of the sun. Humans evolved to their current state about 200,000 years ago. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Most christians accept that the story of genesis is allegorical and not literal.

Answer #32

I’m a researcher and a believer of the Scriptures. I have a whole teaching on the creation of the earth. One thing that is very interesting’ in Gen 1:1 is the word ‘created’ - the Hebrew word for this is ‘Bara’ which means to RE-create something, NOT to create something out of nothing. So there is a possibility that the earth existed before the creation as we know it today. There is actually a link to scientist who believe the earth is millions of years old and theologians who believe it is only around 6000 years old. Who knows what existed before we were created! Ape people and dinosaurs? Maybe.

Answer #33

I apologize for the late reply to your comment, but I’m not saying that what I said to be concrete but the original bible never said days. so each day could have been millions of years to find what the bible actually says about creatures. The original bible has been cut and translated so much that sometimes you just can’t find the answers in your regular walmart-bought bible.

Answer #34

See my comment below :)

Answer #35

No they believe that god put bones on the earth as a test of faith, they have trouble following proof unless its vivid proof to close too magic and conspiracy making it unreal.

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