What is your testimony?

There are so many religions now. People believe different things and it has created great diversity. I think religion or beliefs should bring people together. I am collecting testimonies for a semester long project and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share? I believe that testimonies are the one thing in the world that brings people together and should never be ridiculed. Anyone of any faith can share! Don’t be scared:)

Answer #1

my testimony??? I tend to stick to my own code of ethics, but it is strongly dependent on religious focuses ie: no stealing and things like that. But it also goes a bit deeper.

Answer #2

I don’t think my “religion” is currently defined. It’s roughly, vaguely like Buddhism, Wicca, and Satanism all smashed and blended together to form a sort of blissful eccentricity. I’ll start by stating that my unique(?) belief system makes me enlightened, happy, and intelligent. I cherish the good days and value the bad. I explore aggressively the extents of my brain (brought to you by the creator) and wish to share my findings with whoever will listen. I respect the people in my life and consider their feelings in relation to the degree of my apparent influence on them. I pick up and properly dispose of peoples garbage when I happen upon it in the street or a parking lot. I always give what I can to anyone who asks and I laugh along with everyone present when I act like a fool. I don’t steal anything and I have great difficulty with lying. My life is good, and I want others to have good lives too so I try to be good to everyone I meet. I want people to think about their problems productively, and when they don’t I encourage them instead of belittling them and making them feel stupider. I don’t kill spiders in my house. I have directly killed 3 other creatures in my life, aside from insects and arachnids. I’ve been in 2 fights, both of which I started and finished. I loathe killing and fighting; not the idea of them, but the practice. The first time I killed something was when I shot a sparrow with a CO2 powered pellet rifle. I felt a brief triumph but that quickly faded as I approached the pitifully twitching, dying thing that I had created from a healthy sparrow, which (incidentally) the creator had created. It was the ugliest thing I had ever experienced in my young life up to that point. I felt an insurmountable guilt and shame and fear in the fact that I had willfully undone that which was done by my most ultimate of superiors. I had flown in the face of the creator and I was afraid for how It’s retribution would unfold upon my life… My other two kills were a rabbit which I hit with my car. It had bolted out in front of me too late to safely do anything about it; and a dog which was apparently insane with some disease and was attempting to kill me, I kicked its head as it advanced on me the second time and its neck broke. I am not proud of these things but they were both necessary. The sparrow was the big lesson though. I had murdered it in a passing whim. It was then that I caught my first glimpse of “The Big Picture”.

…Create and/or Destroy with consideration and respect for your own ultimate creator/destroyer. Be you a creator or a destroyer, or both; never do what you do without thinking about it first. We are not animals, there is a trace of the animal in all of us but mostly we are each a reflection of the divine… In my opinion lol :D

You asked for testimony.

Answer #3

Love everyone no matter who they are, what they believe in, how wealthy they are or how evil they are. Dont hate because its a waste of life. SMILE :D Help the people who are less fortunate than you. Have a humble heart. I <3 Jesus

Answer #4

My testimony? I’m Wiccan. Everyone is equal, no matter race, sexuality, gender identity, age, gender or religion or way of life. Everything happens for a reason. Don’t hurt anyone physically or emotionally because bad karma kits hard. Good karma means you’re doing something right. I can’t speak for all Wiccans but this is what I get out of my religion.

Answer #5

live life as if it matters to only you, remember everyday is a holiday and every meal is a feast. in the end nothing matters, on one matters, all ideals are lost. to be born is to be guilty, to exist is to sin, to give a s%%t is to be human.

Answer #6

is wealth the opposite of evil?

Answer #7

thats not what i saud. You can be wealthy and be a good person. or you could be evil and wealthy

Answer #8

well I can’t give you an accurate testimony cause it won’t be complete til the day I die. Well, I’m a christian. Baptist if a declared denomination is needed. I’ve grown up christian. Parents divorced when I was a kid and fought a lot. I’ve loved and lost. I’ve lived and died to myself. I do like you idea that everyone should get along, but as long as our ideas and beliefs are we can’t be together. We can coexist if that is what you mean.

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