Why am I obsessed with The Amityville Horror?

So the first time I saw the newest version of Amityville Horror I knew nothing about it. Shortly after it kept popping up into my life. Being mentioned at least once a week in a show I was watching when I had never heard of it before. I randomly came across a ghost show talking about Melissa George feeling haunted when filming the movie. After that I was absolutely drawn to it and it came into my life constantly. I would walk out of my bedroom at night to go to the bathroom and my dad would be changing the channel and I would see it. I have only seen the newer version twice and the I have never seen the first one. Now at this point I am constantly thinking about it and the Lutzes. I could tell you almost anything about it. I read the book in 2 nights. I am always searching for fan clubs and real pictures of the house and the hauntings. It drives me up a wall when people say it was a hoax and the weirdest thing for me was when I woke up half way in the middle of the night and was thinking about it and was trying to remember the address and couldn’t I knew the old address was 112 Ocean Avenue but I knew it got changed but I didn’t know to what and 108 popped into my head. I repeated “108 Ocean Avenue” over and over out loud and turns out that really is the new address..

Answer #1

It is a prety good movie. It is Ok, sounds like a fairly harmless obsession. lol. Take it easy though, I think you are giving Amityville more power than it deserves. I like the original with Margot Kidder. “Get out!” lol. . . .creepy. :)

Answer #2

Probably because its somethin we cannot explain… the unexplainable. You wanna know all about it and figure it out. becuase no one has and no one will. People obsess with things they cannot figure out. Its the way we were made. curious

Answer #3

dont dare to visit that house , danger lurking behind that walls

Answer #4

The newer owners said nothing else has happened and don’t believe in it. I wanna visit it badly. I also would like to buy it one day.

Answer #5

“The Amityvill Horror part 2” is an awsome movie. But it’s nothing more than a movie. Relax.

Answer #6

maybe its waiting for your visit , lol

Answer #7

may be u have a personality aligned with it

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