Love & Relationships Questions

  1. I like him a lot but he's making matters complicated, what should
  2. guy that I like
  3. Im not Easy or am I????
  5. I've had a fall out
  6. I have a controling boyfriend and I don't know what to do about it
  7. I just need someone to talk to...
  8. makin a mess
  9. I don't know if I love you
  10. he won't let me finish him off, boyfriend too shy to cum
  11. fingering my girl
  12. his job has enslaved him and we have no time together agh
  13. need to know how to make out
  14. I need help
  15. Im in love
  16. I love him but I thin khe got scared how can I get him back?
  17. my ex wants her.. i want him jealous.. how do i do it?
  18. I need help seriously!
  19. My EX agian
  20. wondering if if guys liked it when girl kissed their necks and the
  21. Jailbird Boyfriend
  22. she loves me but lost the spark and broke it off with me
  23. how do guys get std checks
  24. Baby blues
  25. No Confidence and Ugly
  26. Jealous Guy Friend..?
  27. Three's A Crowd...
  28. love at first sight
  29. he is trying to make me choose between my friends and him?
  30. Orgasams
  31. he wont stop
  32. friends with beinifits with my ex
  33. I've called the wedding off, but don't know if I want him
  34. Should I stay or should I go?
  35. being in love with a married man
  36. B-DAY
  37. Very confused, I need some advice please!!!!!!!!
  39. DOES HE STILL want to know?? X
  40. Does he like me?
  41. How do I get over this crush?
  42. what are some signs 3 or 4 weeks in
  43. How do I hurt my ex?
  44. im to nervous to kiss him !!HELP!!!
  45. Confused between two guys, help
  46. please..more help...
  47. So freaked out!!
  48. why do I love him
  49. my boyfriend tryed kissing my friend
  50. I don't know what to do about this guy I like
  51. Getting Married
  52. so called "love"
  53. im so lost without my ex!!!!!
  54. would be OK for a 55 yr old married man can have an affair?
  55. young girl, older guy, lots of negativity
  56. What's the difference DUH!!!!!
  57. How can I choose between these two guys?
  58. How can I show the guys that I like interracial dating is ok?
  60. I want him to like me
  61. My ex Phil
  62. He still flirts with his ex...
  63. help
  64. my messed up relationships
  65. People are talking bad about me, how can I change that?
  66. Lied about my Age
  67. Should I give myself to him or dump him
  68. I want him
  69. Pre-Cum
  70. I need my question answered really bad
  71. I want to do things to him but what do I do when he does it to me
  72. breakin up
  73. parents know we are screwing
  74. all this effort and nothing in return
  75. Hiding from whats real
  76. Marriage announcement
  77. Big problemo!
  78. Why am I drawn to bad relationships?
  79. Difficult boyfriend's mother....HELP!!!
  80. Jealous of ex and vacations?
  81. what should I do?
  82. He broke it off
  83. cable bill arrived in name of husbands ex girlfiend, should I be a
  84. how to get him to talk to me
  85. Is she too young
  86. abusive relationship??
  87. Horny around my period
  88. Female Pleasure
  89. shoud I forget it?
  90. does he
  92. my ex
  93. My boyfriend smokes pot
  94. How 2 Kiss?
  95. What from here
  96. what to do
  97. Mr Wrong??
  98. How to get a guy?
  99. is he cheating or not?
  100. How can I break up with him?