I’m like talking to this one guy well I knew his ex-girlfriend and he liked cheated on her and like ignored her and all sorts of stuff. he would tell people he didn’t like her but he was with her because she liked him a lot and stuff!!! I’m kinda scared to go with him because I don’t want to be with someone that doesn’t want to be with me!!! plus I don’t know if he might cheat on me!!! he is really sweet to me he always comes up to me but I just can’t stop thinking he might do the same to me!!! what should I do????

Answer #1

well firstly yu shud neva get involved if yu dont trust him, obviously i cant say that he WILL cheat on yu, but if he’s capable of doin it once he’s capable of doin it again soz i cnt realli help bt jus fink n tlk 2 one of his m8s before yu rush in2 netin xxx

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