Three's A Crowd...

I told my Guy friend that I liked him a while back..when I wanted to know how he felt about me he didnt give me a response or a clear picture whether or not he had feelings for me but I sometimes thought he did… Anyways recently I just started hanging out with one of his good Guy buddies…me and this friend of his are Just friends…but ever since he found out him and I are hanging out he got distant..he stopped returning my calls and hes basically ignoring me(or so it seems that way to me)…

I asked his friend why he was being this way and he says its because he thinks that he is Jealous..which confuses me because he has been told that there is nothing going on between us and why would he care?? He didnt pursue to take things further with me when I confessed my feelings beforehand…

*why do you think he is acting this way and can someone tell me whats going on here??

Answer #1

You have to understand guys are NOT girls. Even if you tell them that you like them, and if they like you back they may not be totally open about it. Why? I have no idea but they can be like that. The fact that he seems so hurt makes me feel like he does care and is hurt. Leave him a message saying that you want to hang out and talk to him because you like him not his friend and you are confused if he likes you back. If he goes for it than he likes you . IF not than ask him why. Thats my opinion anyway its up to you to take my advice.

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