Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Boyfriend's parents hate me
  2. Which is better for you guys in a bathtub?
  3. Rude awakening
  4. What to do with being in love?
  5. pick between two guys
  6. An annoying bully is making fun of a friend
  7. Does He Still Love Her?
  8. Trying to be romantic
  9. My friend & her cheating boyfriend
  10. Guys & Girls These Days
  11. Guys, what do you like in a girl?
  12. Where do boys wipe their fingers?
  13. How to get guys to like me?
  14. Why doesn't it feel good unless a guy does it?
  15. Can't ignore them bullying me
  16. My boyfriend and I are not allowed to see each other
  17. We like each other
  18. To break up or not to break up?
  19. How do I convince people its ok to sleep in same bed as my dad?
  20. We've been trying to make out and its been really awkward
  21. What is the wrong way to break up with someone
  22. We're going to try again for our little one, any tips?
  23. Are you still with your soulmate?
  24. Relationship bad habits
  25. Why is he with her?
  26. Is there anyway to forget my crush who doesn't like me?
  27. Reunited with boss's son after years
  28. Whats with friends with benefits?
  29. Say I love you
  30. What do high school guys think makes a girl hot
  31. Kissing problems
  32. How do I get my ex back?
  33. Boyfriend versus older brother
  34. Make a girl wait on me to start a relationship
  35. What position do guys like?
  36. I can't get over my ex boyfriend
  37. Can a girl ask a guy out?
  38. A lot of questions in one, please help
  39. Should I get closure?
  40. Long distance. And he's flirting.
  41. Does this means he doesnt like me or what?
  42. Is there any way to be relaxed before we kiss?
  43. My boyfriend broke up with me
  44. Why do I feel this way about my friend?
  45. How to make a girl nut
  46. My girlfriend's mom found her hickey (continued)
  47. My friends or my girlfriend
  48. Could he like me?
  49. Make up a great relationship ?
  50. Why is it so hard to change?
  51. Am I straight or bi?
  52. Lets make this interesting
  53. Why do boys like girls with a big butt?
  54. How do I get a boy to like me?
  55. Are lube and spermicide the same thing.
  56. Should they break up?
  57. What do most look in a girl?
  58. I hate being a third wheel
  59. Bj's and Hj's
  60. Not sure if I'm bi but like a girl
  61. Freedom
  62. Can I move out at 17
  63. Self lubriaction
  64. Foreign attraction
  65. Please help me find the answers to these questions?
  66. I cant seem to cum
  67. I cant get over my ex
  68. Rape and no period
  69. The good the bad and the liar!
  70. Hanging out with friends more often
  71. colette and her insecurity
  72. An Odd Meeting
  73. Dealing with the same guy?
  74. Enemy, any good pranks?
  75. How do I tell my mentor that I was raped
  76. Your opinion on love?
  77. I dislike my boyfriend's brother.
  78. Are you still with the guy/girl you lost your virginity to?
  79. Should I worry about running into her again?
  80. Why doesn't he call me from France?
  81. He told her that he couldn't be with her yet
  82. How do you get someone to jail?
  83. When the going gets tough the tough get going
  84. How can I meet a woman?
  85. Can fingering my vagina break my virginity?
  86. Feeling low
  87. Mean things while fighting
  88. Scared of what will happen after I saw this on his Myspace
  89. Girl who work on cars, a turn on or off?
  90. Info for a bet with my girlfriend
  91. How do I flirt right?
  92. My boyfriend says his mother confiscated his cellphone
  93. What to talk to him about?
  94. Your life summed up in six words
  95. You guys have had boy problems, right?
  96. I love my girl, I need help
  97. How do I get a girl
  98. how do I make a guy horny???
  99. Should I go with the one I was in love with or the one I like?
  100. How does it feel to be cheated on ..only females anwser this