Could he like me?

Ok well I got on the computr las night and this guy who goes 2 my skwel was on well we started tlking and stuff (btw we have seen each other and tlkd like once at skwel so this is our 1st time actualy tlking) we got ogt on the subject of people who we liked and he asked me who I liked but I tolg him I wouldn’t tell him unless he tells who he likes every time he repyed he said someone perferably a girl so I geuss my question is can that “someone” be me??? Any advice well be great!!! Thanks!!!

Answer #1

Exactly.. You NEVER really know, because it always depends on who else he is talking to? There could be a possiblity it is you, but than again, it could be it is the other girls too, so dont put your heart in all at once, ASK HIM! don’t be shy, just say.. HEY! do you like me!?!?! :] anyways, good luck.

Answer #2

well it COULD be you.. but it could also be one if the other 379873 girls he knows. it really is far too early to assume anything.. I mean you’ve only actually talked to him once.. just go with the flow.

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