Trying to be romantic

If this girl I like and she like me gives me a hug in school and after the hug, out of random I kiss her, what do you think she will think or do? Should I do it? We both realy like each other!

Answer #1

The way to know if she wants to kiss you is if she looks at you in the eyes while your hugging or when your gna let go but if your not sure if she wants to, just kiss her in the cheeks you never know… she might kiss you in the lips… if she just looked shock just back off a little then do a cute smile then say sorry she might smile back and think its cute if not just tell you gotta go with a cute smile shes gna think about it all night :)

Answer #2

I’ve been in the same situation as you!! so I hope I can help =) well…if you really digg her and like her that way… and you noe that she likes you back… than why not?? but if…you two aren’t “officially” dating yet… I’d go with a kiss on the cheek (that’s what my boyfriend did to me) …so you won’t put her in shock or scare her!! - but it’ll give her a hint that you want to be her’s =) hope it works out for ya!!

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