
My dad says we have sooo much freedom when we rele don’t me an my sister can’t even go to the movies with a big group of just girls without an adult because he says we’ll meet up with guys…my friends are leaving me out now because they can do things without their parents and I can’t…and me and my sister are home by oursleves after school and she’s 15 and he has people watching us because he thinks were sneekin guys over and he knows our teachers and they talk like friends when they see each other and he asks them what I’ve been doing and he asks them to watch me…I can understand him wanting to know whats going on in my life but does he have to do that??? And he says he wants us to tell him things but when I tell him things he either freaks out on me because I was talkin a group of my guy friends and he asks me if they kept their hands to theirselves and things like that or hes to busy watchin stupid tv to even listen to me…if he would listen or let me finish what I was sayin before he started talking I would tell him more things and not keep him out of my life and be soo secretive…I don’t know what to do so that I can have more freedom…and be comftorable tellin him things

Answer #1

Your father has a lot of security and trust issues. You are either going to have to stand and make a point or play the game he has set out for you. Right now he treats you like a little kid and he does not want you to grow up or get hurt from anything. You both need to give something up though if you are going to end up happy.

He probably has something to be worried about that you’ve given him a reason to be, and now he’s over-protective. He does not trust you anymore and there is no way you can prove his trust if he does not let loose. You have to get his attention and talk to him about how much this is bothering you. He will most likely shoot you down since you brought it up but it will sink in a little later. Just keep banging at his door until he finally gives up. Sitting on the couch watching TV all day shows lack of mental capacity, so he won’t be able to handle the mental pressure you can dish out!

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