Scared of what will happen after I saw this on his Myspace

I feel like such a b*tch and I feel awfull and I feel so stupid! please help me! I logged into my boyfriends myspace and I was looking at messages that his ex girlfriend sent him and theyre from a few months ago when me and him were only about a month into our relationship but he said to her that he loved her and stuff and that he couldnt stop looking at her and after I read everything I called him up because I was so hurt by this and so now he’s mad that I went into his myspace and now im scared because he is so mad at me. I know what I did was wrong but honestly.. why would he be sending his ex rachel all these messages when we were boyfriend and girlfriend at the time?? im scared so much right now. I hate myself I dont know what to do. I cant stop crying. I love him so much I really do.. but right now I just want to kill myself.

Answer #1

that tina girl is only like 14 hah so whatever what does she know about relationships lols anyways me and my boyfriend had a long talk today and it was good, things went very well. and its like relationships are about honesty and sending those messages to his ex was dishonest to me. it was basicly a form of cheating. it was wrong for me to go on his myspace but what I found was even worse, but I do have a right to know whats going on in his life because I am in his life now and we share a part of eachother. when we talked today we both just wanted to appologize and move from this because yeah it happed like 5 months ago, but he knew it was still wrong what he said to her so today he treated me to lunch and took me bowling and after that I appologized to him with some lovin ; ) our relationship is just so strong now we love eachother so much. and thanks for all the advice everyone except for 14 year old tina hah!

Answer #2

and can I just quote little miss know it all “obviously theres a reason your ex said you were crazy” uhm where did I say that lol? uhm me and my ex are friends but he moved to south carolina he doesnt think im crazy. youre stupid.

Answer #3

oh and another thing he did today was bring me to the lake (lake michigan) because he knows how much I LOVE the water and how much I miss the ocean because I used to live in NY

Answer #4

wow lol that girl is one effed up biotch.. dont listen to her. he didnt even break up with you can look all you want at your boyfriend stuff if he has nothing to hide who cares rite? I had the same problem with my ex he lied to me all the time and I found stuff. of course I looked cause I senced somthing was wrong and we lived together. but yeah. I mean he always got mad and turned it around on me. I would be like eehh dude I like logged your instant messenger and like your cheating on me.. thanx. and he would be like well if you wernt crazy and logged my stuff then there wouldnt be a problem and blah blah blah. anyways he sounds like a prick.. you cant trust him. they dont change. there are cool guys out there. honestly I would care if I had a b/f and he looked at any of my messages or anything I have nothin to hide : ) so dont worry he didnt somthing wrong not you : ) find someone else

Answer #5

lol, tina your fckin crazy, thats awsome… fck im still laughing, … ok, see I wouldn’t give a sh*t if my girl went through my stuff, because I have nothing to hide. 95% of the time people get mad is when there hiding something, and then they go on the offensive to make you feel bad. Because wasn’t he in the wrong, but now your saying it is your fault, he did a pretty good job flipping that around and putting you on the hot seat, im going to have to remember that. Blame her for your mistake and she will feel bad and forgive you.

Answer #6

tina is probably one of those sluttt girls guys cheat on their g/fs with lol

Answer #7

I would say hes just trying to play it off more of you doing something wrong so that you cant be mad at him for what he did

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