Long distance. And he's flirting.

Well, actually, I’ve been talking w my friends and big sissy abt this matter. They all told me to just dump the guy, but iono why my heart feels so heavy to let him go.

The story was, Me and him (let’s call him q) go way back. Ever since we were like 13-14 (one year difference) we broke up after a year. Mayb cz we were too young or cz of other prblms we didn’t noe. Years went by, he had other girlfriends, I had a boyfriend (but we still remaind friends and talk occasionally). Then during january last year (2007) I broke up w my boyfriend and me and q got closer. Eventually, we became friends w benefits. (now am 18 and his 19 as of 08) But alas, I hadta move to another country cz my dad changed jobs. A week before I went, we went out together and he askd me to be his girlfriend. For 2mnths he kept msging and all and I was so happy, but then he enterd uni and from there it went downhill :( So…the prblm is that…he’s been flirting like hell w other girls and giving those other girls more tym than me…it really hurts cz we’re so far away and he shld spend tym w me even for mere minutes rather than those other girls that he can meet every effing day >_< nyways, I went to check his comments and msgs on myspace…it was like someone stabbd me in the heart. He was calling those girls all the names he calls me. I don’t feel special nymore. He even tells them he loves them… I noe I shld break-up w him but my heart feels too heavy. I can’t. I’m so stupid I noe. So pls, is there any other way? I tried confronting him only to end up by him telling me that I lack trust. Wuwuwuwuwu tt^tt I’m so confused and it’s preventing me to concentrate properly on my studies…

I noe if I fail there’s no one to blame but me but still…I can’t help it dx Pls do help, any advice would b wonderful

Answer #1

I would break up. But I would do it on future terms of giving it another shot whenever you do decide to return. He is just feeling the pressure of other young beautiful women around him and you are no-where to be seen. You cannot blame him at 19 and trying to live life, to hold back for a woman in another country. To save yourself the heart break, break up with him and live your life until you return.

Answer #2

I’m returning in like 2 months TT^TT how can he not wait…

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