What do most look in a girl?

What do most look in a girl? And do black boys likes girl woh is talkitve and crazii funni? And why do most guy in my school called me ugly and don’t think of me attative?. One time this boii caled me ugly beacuse I don’t look like other girls

Answer #1

a lot of black guys like a girl who is crazy,talkative and funny. I’m very sorry to hear that most guys in your school don’t think you are attractive. What exactly do the other girls look like, you don’t need to look like them because you are an individual but if it makes you feel bad what they say, then I guess you probably need to spend more time taking care of yourself and improving your appearance and spending more money on beauty products . In order to better yourself. You can either change what you don’t like or change how you feel.

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