He told her that he couldn't be with her yet

This chick is kind of like my friend, but I don’t really like her. She has been trying to get with this boy named isaiah. He says that he told her that he couldn’t be with her yet. That was about 3 weeks ago. She keep on asking me what she should. She already be getting o my nerves so this was even worse. I keep telling her to leave him alone and play like she doesn’t need him. But she always goes back to flirt with him. She wants him to be the one to help her get over her ex. ( I think that’s the wrong reason to get with him) I don’t know what to tel. It’s been about a month and they’re not going out. I think that he’s just not interested, but I don’t know how to tell her that. Besides he claims that he is. He says that he keep son telling her why he can’t be with her yet. I guess it’s not getting through to her.

Answer #1

Ok, well tell her she needs to move on, because life does not consist of having a man, and also… he apparently has his reasons for not dating her… she needs to chill out, and understand his point of view.. anyways, good luck, if you have any questions, funmail :]

Answer #2

ya but when you tell someone not yet, what do you expect em to think. Later on right, so of course she’s going to keep trying. You need to tell him to be more blunt or just tell her yourself. I’ve been friends with this girl for about 8 years now, and a couple weeks ago I tried to hook up with her, and she said not yet. Thats a more f*cked up answer than hell no. tell her not to waste her time, I wasted enough on this girl with no results. Just tell her she could be waiting a long time for something that will never happen.

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