How does it feel to be cheated on ..only females anwser this

How does it feel 2 b cheated on …because I cheat a lot dis iz just 4 females

Answer #1

It is the betrayl of them all I’ve been married for 4yrs and with him for10 years.andjust found out my husband was cheating I don’t know how long and I really don’t won’t to I’m pissed,hurt,cruel,nausea,and feelin guilt all at the same time I won’t revenge badly ill never trust him again I hate him but I love him revenge and divorce maybe the only answer

Answer #2

findin out your getting cheated on stings you real bad, when I first found out, it really felt like my heart stoppped I wanted to be sick instead I took it out on the plates and dishes around me yes, I sent them flying, I actually found out from my partners mate, he thought I knew and he told me thats when it hurt so I called my partner asked him if it was true he laughed tried to get out of it and thats what hurts too them fckin lyin to your face. so anyways he told me he loved me I accepted that it was one mistake went back to bein his lovein girlfriend that also went to work made his dinner, done his washing, then a year passes and he fails to also tell me that he has booked a holiday with one of his mates to THAILAND!!! what the f*ck I cried and cried he didnt tell me again one of his mates accidently did thinkin that he had told me, so anyways off he goes leavin me unknown to where I stand away for 10 days, I worked and worked to get my mind off what he was doin over there 2 guys going 2 thailand and not doin nothin RUBBISH… he gets bk and gives me a kiss tells me he bought me some stuff and gives me then goes out to the nightclubs that nite with his mates again where did I stand. I asked him straigh out if he done anyhting when he was away NO is what he said I wanted to believe him but summin was tellin me different. he accidentally left his msn on one night, and I clicked on it there it was, a thai womans name I clicked it and pretended I was him, haha I knew I shouldnt have but fck it, I found out some rather heavy info I didnt want to know, but I left it I said to him one nite I know what you did in thailand and im not bothered hay, I was hurt I just wanted him to think that I werent so I could hear from him. turns out yes he did have sex with a prostitute but I thought to myself I think im an attractive girl, do everything for him why the hell does he need to pay for it he has really lowered his self esteem, but years pass and I never ever in my life since I been with him not done nothin a lot of people have told me I shuld but I just cant do it stupid probably I dunno, but as the story ends, stupid me im still with him, and he still sumtimes stills orders me about do this do that, been with him 5 and a half years I probably shouldnt be complaining but fck me it hurts…

Answer #3

Right now I am sad and feeling lonely because the man I love and respected so much cheated on me, he became defensive and said how much he loves his friends but he traveled to her alone and I found emails and he ask this woman to come see him. I feel like a wounded wolf, I want to scream my pain, it hurt all over, the site of him with another woman is killing me. I had eyes only for him. Patricia

Answer #4


Answer #5

You know that myth that before you die your life flashes before your eyes?

When you realize you’ve been cheated on, your memories of the relationship flash before your eyes. You start thinking of the little things, the sweet moments that meant everything to you and then think ‘Was he thinking of her when that happened?’

Thoughts like: ‘Why is she better than me? And what did I do wrong?’ I’ve always been an independent carefree person, but when I was cheated on it felt like my world was falling apart. And I haven’t trusted anyone else since because it wasnt just the guy that cheated on me. The friend he did it with did too.

Answer #6

I went out with a guy for almost two ears, and I found out he was cheating on me, I could feel my heart break because he was my first love. I wondered what I did wrong to make him want her and not me. I hated it. and it took me a long time to get over him. if you stop cheating on your girls, maybe u’ll find the right one…

Answer #7

Its and undescribable felling of loss and pain. Everything that you believed in and everything that you lived for was a lie. You feel like you completely wasted your time loving and caring for someone so much. You feel like you loved this person so much and all along they loved someone else and kept you as a rebound. It puts tis rage for revenge inside you!

Answer #8

it feels like everything you ever knew just falls apart. it leaves girls feeling lost and asking what we did wrong. it’s betrayal and traitory and being sensitive creatures, girls tend to hurt more and recover less. well, at least for me. it’s just so ard to move one after that cz you’ll b wondering what you did and whether you weren’t good enough for him. it’s really sad and depressing… but I just say to myself, “karma will do it’s work”

Answer #9

Feels like a motherfu*ckin knife in your back it just hurst me. It feel like everything he ever told you was a fucin lie Sometimes it takes a while for us to move on and trust some one again. pls dont hurts when you think some one who cares a bout you, really doesn’t :(

Answer #10

it hurts really bad and breaks your heart and its dumb that people do that but hey do guys and women so yeah it hurts like your whole heart was torn to pieces

Answer #11

it hurts like a motherf*cker I’ve never been cheated on but I thought I was once and for the half hour I believed I was cheated on, it hurt so bad

but I mostly do the cheating so that way, I hurt the guy before he will hurt me its a horrible habit if you care about the girl, dont f*ck with her emotions just be single if you want to mess around

Answer #12

it feels like a knife in your back. its like the world stops turning, like you cant breathe. being cheated on is one of the most, if not THE most, painful thing a guy can put you through…

Answer #13

it feels like everything they ever said, every touch, every look everything that showed they loved you was a lie. you don’t know what you did, you feel worthless and confused and then you get seriously pissed and get revenge. why the hell would you cheat on someone?! wow, you’re shallow.

Answer #14

newsflash hun it doesnt feel good to be cheated on. maybe you should stop cheating on people and date to find that one lucky girl that you will spend the rest of your life with. Hope I helped ~kaitlyn~

Answer #15

newsflash hun it doesnt feel good to be cheated on. maybe you should stop cheating on people and date to find that one lucky girl that you will spend the rest of your life with. Hope I helped ~kaitlyn~

Answer #16

cheating hurts like hell.. its one of the worst feeling that you’d ever feel… you feel like it was your fault like you did something wrong… it makes you so sad and almost depressed… when I get cheated on I normally want to rip the guy’s balls off so that he could feel the pain that he put me through… quit cheating on girls because eventually one of them WILL wind up cheating on you and causing you the pain that you are causing on those other girls

Answer #17

It made me feel ugly, made me feel like I wasn’t sexually attractive, worthless, sad. It made me feel like I did something wrong. It made me have problems in every single relationship I’ve had since then, because I’m afraid to go through those feelings again.

Answer #18

if yhu wre cheated on it makes yhu feel like yhu trash yhu nOthinqq and unwOrthyy and that peOple have no respect fOr yhu !

it hurts !

Answer #19

it feels like your worthless, like everything was a lie. and its an unbelievable feeling, most painful feeling in a relationship. And thats pretty bad that you would cheat, Maybe one day you’ll get cheated on then you’ll know what I feels like …

Answer #20

it feels like your heart been ripped out of you and stood on by the man you thought you knew and believe you me, this feeling of utter sadness and betrayal can last for a long time!

Answer #21

I agree with everyone else. Don’t cheat. It may just come back to you someday.

Answer #22

I agree with everyone else. Don’t cheat. It may just come back to you someday.

Answer #23

it feels horrible. like everything they ever told you was a lie. all you can ever think about is you and them together, and all the happy times. you just wan to curl up in a ball and lay there unil its all better, until the pain goes away. you dont know what you did, where everything went wrong. you feel pissed and sad. you want to get revenge so bad. it sucks and its horrible! heres what I did: I just did stuff with the guys he hates and one of his friends, a taste of his own medicine! it really works hes so jealous and he wants me back! but if you have a cheating boyfriend everyone will tell you never to take him back. honestly though, it all depends on the situation. im not sure if I will trake my boyfriend back and we dated for 2 years.

Answer #24

it feels horrible. like everything they ever told you was a lie. all you can ever think about is you and them together, and all the happy times. you just wan to curl up in a ball and lay there unil its all better, until the pain goes away. you dont know what you did, where everything went wrong. you feel pissed and sad. you want to get revenge so bad. it sucks and its horrible! heres what I did: I just did stuff with the guys he hates and one of his friends, a taste of his own medicine! it really works hes so jealous and he wants me back! but if you have a cheating boyfriend everyone will tell you never to take him back. honestly though, it all depends on the situation. im not sure if I will trake my boyfriend back and we dated for 2 years.

Answer #25

it hurts a lot..and you feel like you can never trust another guy

Answer #26

when you give someone your all and share everything with them,trust them, depend,on them to always be there,lean on them,and will do anything for them even if it means die and they let you down and you find out that everything they said was a lie and everything that made you love them is a lie please tell me how that would make you feel

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