Politics & Law Questions

  1. What do you think will happen with the NDP now that Jack Layton has died?
  2. Do I need to setup an appointment with the DMV in order to get an ID card or can I just go in at any time?
  3. Do people outside the UK know who our Prime Minister is?
  4. How hard is it being in the war?
  5. Where can I find state/city laws?
  6. Is it true that Cubans don't like white people?
  7. Is it Illegal for teens to carry knives around?
  8. What is a brief time line of the Trojan War with at least 10 events?
  9. What has been going on in London recently?
  10. Is it possible to have more than one passport?
  11. Why are people rioting in London?
  12. When you're talking on the phone is the government (or people) listening?
  13. What usually happens if you're caught by the cops with more than 2 gr of weed in Canada?
  14. What is a Republic country?
  15. Why is it ok for Pilate to be portrayed as Gestapo, but not ok for someone to dress up as Hitler for a fancy dress party?
  16. How did disease and war affect Europe in the 14th century?
  17. What are some major factors that led to Joseph Stalin's level of influence as a leader?
  18. Why isn't the world talking about women being mutilated in Islamic countries?
  19. Is it true that Walt Disney was a racist?
  20. What are the laws on copyrighting something?
  21. What do you think about having so many laws for everything?
  22. Can my neighbour make me cut down my very large conifer in my garden?
  23. Is President Obama still as popular as when he won the Presidential Election?
  24. What do you think about the American debt crisis?
  25. What do you think of a president using text messages to rule his country?
  26. Can an executor make you get home insurance?
  27. What is wrong with today's society?
  28. What was the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia after WW1?
  29. Can I be excused from jury duty if I leave the country?
  30. Is it true that in the state of Florida it's illegal to buy cigarettes under 18, but it's not illegal to smoke them?
  31. Can the police use Facebook or hack phones to investigate marijuana?
  32. What do you do when your neighbours won't stop blaring their music?
  33. Who is the person responsible for fixing the economy?
  34. Why are the republicans making all the decisions?
  35. What do you think of Robert Byrd of Virginia?
  36. What would happen if the US defaults?
  37. What do you think causes homophobia?
  38. What sort of restrictions are there when sending food parcels from Canada to places outside of Canada?
  39. What is the Queen of England queen of?
  40. Why can't two 15 year olds get married?
  41. What is your opinion on Rais Bhuiyans campaign (read description)?
  42. Why can't teenagers have the right to vote?
  43. Do you think Casey Anothey killed her daughter, Caylee Marie Anothey?
  44. Why is it compulsary to vote in Australia?
  45. Is there such a thing as a right or wrong opinion?
  46. Why wasn't Casey Anthony proven guilty?
  47. What did Casey Anthony do, exactly?
  48. Why is speeding against the law when all cars are made to exceed the speed limit?
  49. Do you think this 911 operator should be fired (read description)?
  50. Why are some people still racist when there is only one race - the human race?
  51. How do the people of Illinois feel about governor Pat Quinn's decision on the new seat belt law? (read more)
  52. What are the functions of the national judicial council?
  53. What does the shadow government think about alligators?
  54. What do you think about the possibility of WWIII?
  55. What is an "outlaw"?
  56. Is there any law against having van door opens?
  57. How does Kronic work; how is it legal as opposed to marijuana?
  58. Can I sue my mom if she has been using my name for credit cards, etc?
  59. How can someone say they are innocent when they've been caught on camera?
  60. What are the legal issues affecting social networking sites and the new media?
  61. Do people get arrested for sending a photo message of weed?
  62. What should I do if I was *falsely accused* of breaking into a car?
  63. What is your opinion of Arnold Schwarzenegger?
  64. Who here thinks that Osama Bin Laden's death will get Obama re-elected?
  65. What's with this weird stereotype that African Americans drink grape soda and eat fried chicken?
  66. What are your thoughts on the lawsuit brought against President Obama concerning the American invasion of Libya?
  67. What did the Africans really believe in during the slave trade?
  68. What is your opinion on the right to bear arms?
  69. Is it possible to have another girl's name as the parent on the birth certificate even if you aren't lesbians?
  70. Should Colonel Gaddafi eventually step down?
  71. What do you think is the best and worst state in the United States, and why?
  72. What are the stereotypes of British people from an American's point of view?
  73. Do you think that the queen planned it all out and then killed Diana because she was going to marry a Muslim?
  74. Do you think Ticuna Indians should modernise and join 21st century?
  75. Whats your opinion on Hitler?
  76. Do you think Lizzie Borden killed her father and step-mom?
  77. What are some known Las Vegas gangs?
  78. What are inclusive constitutions?
  79. How much do people like scandals?
  80. Is there a law in Colorado saying that you can't hug a teenager for a long time?
  81. Where can I get a free copy of my police report?
  82. What is up with people killing each other these days?
  83. What are some differences between Nazism and Stalinism?
  84. Is anyone following the Casey Anthony trial?
  85. What age can you get your license in Massachusetts without taking the permit test?
  86. What are the top 10 most diverse states in the United States?
  87. What else did Nixon do that was bad besides covering up the Cambodia invasion and the Watergate scandal?
  88. Who is "Lady Liberty"?
  89. Can US Aliens (non-citizens) vote in election?
  90. Who messed up - President Obama or the orchestra?
  91. Why did the Hells Angels form?
  92. What do you think of the US government's new emergency guidelines for the coming "Zombie Apocalypse" (See description)?
  93. Are there any fees for changing your name in Chicago?
  94. How long will it take until the court allows me to change my last name?
  95. What are some oppressed countries around the world?
  96. Do police guard the condos?
  97. What is a green card?
  98. What solutions should Australia use to solve their refugee problem?
  99. Who won and how many lives were lost in the battle of Atlanta?
  100. What do you honestly think of political correctness?
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