What are your thoughts on the lawsuit brought against President Obama concerning the American invasion of Libya?

Answer #1

I think it’s a load of crap, Gaddafi is a tyrant, he needs to go, if the Americans hadn’t stepped in earlier god knows what he would have kept doing, former members of Gaddafis cabinet have admitted that Gaddafi personally ordered the Lockerbie bombing, don’t bring a lawsuit against Obama, bring Gaddafi to justice before he kills more of his own people, the man is a murdering warmonger who needs to go!!

Answer #2

I think that it’s good that they brought up a lawsuit. If it’s against the law, it’s against the law. I’m not saying I have a problem with the whole libya thing but he should have went through congress to do it. Since he didn’t there should be concequences.

Answer #3

There’s plenty of war mongering tyrants who kill their own people (care to go to war with China anyone?). Does not make it okay to continue being the world police. I think Obama should answer for unilaterally making a decision like that (mind you, I still think he’s better than McCain would have been).

Answer #4

Your thoughts on Qaddafi aside… does it trouble you at all that the executive has decided on this war at a time when we are currently engaged in two broader theaters and must borrow money from the Federal Reserve to finance it while at the same time we’re forced to consider austerity measures at home? Is it worth the financial pangs just to see the ouster of this particular dictator… or… as I think is the case… to shore up oil supplies for a select group of oligarchs?

Answer #5

Unfortunately… Americans have degenerated to the point where I would have to caution against baiting for a war with China… or Russia. All it would take is for someone to claim that Santa Claus had been hjacked somewhere over Siberia… and we would summarily march in and begin to liberate the citizenry with our philanthropic bombs. Even if it meant that we could no longer afford to feed our children… duty comes first… and it is our duty to remain blissful morons.

Answer #6

While I support the actions in Libya, I think the lawsuit is a good thing. It brings attention to the problem with over reaching executive power with the military. Obama is just doing the same thing all president have been doing since the Korean War. Not going to congress to get permission as the constitution calls for. I think we need to get back to having more public debates on such issues before we take action.

Answer #7

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