Health Questions

  1. What are the itchy spots on my feet?
  2. Is it possible I have arthritis, diabetes, or fibromyalgia?
  3. Would it be a bad idea to take a cold shower?
  4. Can you get an STD from a toilet seat?
  5. If I smoke one cigarette, will I get addicted?
  6. Any tips on how to remain calm in stressful situations?
  7. What could this weird illness be?
  8. What if I drink lactose free milk and I'm not lactose intolerant?
  9. What sort of icing has a slight bitter aftertaste?
  10. How can I stop my friend self-harming?
  11. What are the best facial wipes?
  12. Can you get sick from eating a specific food after so many years?
  13. What can I do to keep myself from binging?
  14. Do you sleep in the quiet or do you like background noise?
  15. What could be the cause of tan birthmark looking spots?
  16. Can drinking too much soda pop give people canker sores?
  17. How much is birth control for teens and how old do you have to be to get it?
  18. Can someone please explain the correct way to clean your lady part?
  19. Why do I have a sore tummy and am hungry often?
  20. Why do I get abdominal pain/aches after intercourse?
  21. Do flavored water drops have sugar in them?
  22. Can I request the nurse to run a blood test to check for food poisoning on my brother?
  23. How do I get rid of hives?
  24. If I am 5 weeks pregnant, when did I get pregnant?
  25. Is it normal to always want to be alone?
  26. Is it bad to only have bowel movements 1-2 times a month?
  27. What are fast remedies for dry elbows?
  28. How can I improve my confidence and self esteem?
  29. What can I do to make my toe hurt less and to prevent it from becoming even more infected?
  30. What's a good cure for an upset tummy?
  31. How can I get my life back together? (read more)
  32. What is this painless red bump on the corner of my mouth?
  33. What do you smoke in a bong?
  34. why is my nipple area enlarging day by day...should i stop my boyfriend from sucking badly over it?
  35. How do I become a natural early riser?
  36. What is ibuprofen?
  37. How can I ask my dad about being circumcised?
  38. How accurate is the WebMd website?
  39. What can help a child who has chicken pox?
  40. Why am I hungry no matter what I eat?
  41. Would inhaling a lot of farts damage your lungs?
  42. Where exactly is the hymen? Is it at the opening of the vagina or inside?
  43. Why do I pee a lot when I get angry?
  44. Do you guys think shyness is inherited?
  45. Do doctors know more about medicine than nutrition?
  46. How long does it take for estrogen to be out of your system after you've been taking them for 3 months?
  47. How to fight a binge?
  48. Could cramps be a sign of a UTI? (read more)
  49. Does dehydration in adults cause ear pain?
  50. How to prevent ants from entering my ears?
  51. Why are my nailbeds tender?
  52. Why are my periods so unusual?
  53. How do you cure a brown recluse spider bite at home?
  54. Why do periods cause women to be so emotional?
  55. How can I stop being super ticklish/sensitive everywhere?
  56. When you feel like you lost yourself, how do you get back to normal?
  57. How long should you be depressed before thinking pills, like Zoloft that the doctor prescribed, are the answer?
  58. How can I control my temper?
  59. What are root canals?
  60. What is the usual age girls get their period?
  61. What is the name of the antihistamine that is in a blue box and also has green grass on the front of it?
  62. Why don't I 'crave' food that much anymore?
  63. Does anyone know if people with mental issues such as bi-polar can adopt?
  64. How can I get rid of or reduce keratosis pilaris?
  65. What's the difference between contraceptive pills Femodette and Marvelon?
  66. What's your most painful sunburn experience and how did you deal with it?
  67. How long does it take for birth control to become effective after switching brands?
  68. Why have I only just started bleeding while on the pill? (read more)
  69. What are ways to get the swelling down fast from mosquito bites?
  70. What causes breast cancer?
  71. Why the fuck do I have the urge to start wearing dresses? This feeling had better go away.
  72. Can I be allergic to certain types of condoms but not others?
  73. Why do my teeth suddenly hurt when I eat?
  74. What is worse - smoking hookah or a cigarette?
  75. What is the procedure of a colonoscopy?
  76. Is there a better cure for eyesight?
  77. When you get an allergic reaction to a bee sting does it mean you're allgeric to the bee?
  78. Do women's menstrual cramps change as they get older?
  79. What should I do if my vagina has an odd, strange odor?
  80. Do I have insomnia and how do I fix it?
  81. why does my vagina burn while im being fingered?
  82. Why is it that I can never fall asleep on Sunday nights?
  83. How much SPF is enough?
  84. What's the best way to make a sunburn stop hurting?
  85. What can I take to stop me from spitting when I talk?
  86. How do you get rid of a hangover?
  87. How do I stop borderline personality disorder?
  88. Could I still be a diabetic even if I don't drink excessive amounts but have all the other symptoms?
  89. What can I take or do to stop dizziness?
  90. Do you think it's safe and okay to work until your baby is due?
  91. Why do I cough when cleaning my ears?
  92. Could my diet be the reason I have a headache?
  93. Why is my body always cold??
  94. Why does my throat crack when I sing or talk?
  95. Ok I'm not a frequent user but last week n a little Saturday till Sunday am early b4 sun was up I used coke.
  96. Is there a way to control the natural Melatonin your body produces?
  97. What is the name of the disorder that makes you think you're ugly or fat?
  98. What can a 15 year old girl do to make her breasts grow?
  99. Is it true that, by the age of 18, if you are under 5 feet you are legally considered a midget?
  100. Should I be freaking out if I have pernicious anemia?
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