What can I do to make my toe hurt less and to prevent it from becoming even more infected?

I have odd toenails, and well..

My big toe toenail has always poked into my skin on the corners a bit until I trim them down Ive been packing my a.ss off and have been wearing shoes for pretty much 15 hours straight, stubbing my toe a couple times, lifting heavy stuff etc.

Eventually i gave into my toe and decided to stop working for a bit and to look at it since it was getting really hard to walk. (ive had it like this before i thought, so i didnt take it too seriously) Anyways it was way overswollen and was dug way in deep and it hurt to touch. So i left it alone and did the best i could.

Next day or so, i was walking in some slipper/clogs outside and i fell foward and stubbed/smacked me toe into the ground and it started bleeding everywhere and now my toenail gashed its way down deep into my toe. I cant cut it because it hurts too bad at the moment ( the skin is attached to the nail) , and its infected now, so along with the bloody toe side I now have a bubble filling with puss. Lovely, I know. My mom says i need to get the puss out but im not sure because its REALLY painful to touch.

Advice ? I know its gross ahaha. Honestly anything would be helpful whether its a possible suggestion or anything. Thanks!

Answer #1

Ingrown toenail? I had that recently, you need go to your docs, i had anti biotics to clear the infection, then they removed the toe nail, that did mean have two injections in my toe first to numb it completly. Which wasnt as painful as i thought it would be, then i had the nail cut out and bandaged up. But yeah i reckon doctors

Answer #2

Yeah, as Joanne said, the doctors are ur best option. My friend had the same thing and her doctor gave her some meds that helped clear the infection. Oh and dipping ur feet into lukewarm water really helps:) maybe try it, though be careful, it might hurt. But I’m sure the water will help. Get well kianna!

Answer #3

thank you both!

Answer #4

I Use To Get Them. I Think It Was Because My Shoes. But My Mom Just Cut The Nail Where It Hurted ( On The Side ) And It Would Be Better The Next Day. Now That I Stopped Wearing The Shoes It Doesn’t Hurt But I’ve Also Stopping Cutting My Toenails I Go To The Nail Shop & Let Them Do It.

Answer #5

My dad had an ingrown toenail. They had to cut it out, but it was pretty bad.

Answer #6

I cant cut it..my skin has attached on the bottom of the corner of my nail almost completley and its like half an inch into my toe now. but thanks!

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