Health Questions

  1. How can I make my fracture hurt less?
  2. Why did I still get my period???
  3. What illness is this? Sore throat, headache, and stomach ache?
  4. How can I turn my lifestyle around?
  5. Why my head keep hurting and I keep geting light headed?
  6. What.. wouldnt he run off the road...?
  7. How can I make this discharge stop?
  8. When My Trip On Weed Haunts Me Anyone Had The Same ?
  9. How can I get my throat to feel better.. just had tonsillectomy ?
  10. Who else deals with smelly feet?
  11. Why new skin hasn't grown back from sun damage?
  12. What causes a twitch ??
  13. What can I do, was pregnant, lost baby, boyfriends up?
  14. How will salt water kill me?
  15. Why am I 18 and pregnant! Help?
  16. Who else on here vomits when stressed?
  17. Why just twice a year to menstruate, it bad, what can I do?
  18. What is wrong with this test?
  19. Why do I keep having the sensation to urinate?
  20. How do I pass a urine test after taking oxycontin?
  21. What kind of lotion would I be able to put on my labia?
  22. How much do you need to weight if you are 5'1?
  23. What can I use to stop a ichy wet virgina ?
  24. Why haven't I got my period in almost a year, I'm not pregnant?
  25. Why am I crying with period pains when I am 4 days late an no sign?
  26. How is milk coming out of my nipples and I just had my period?
  27. What is this pain I'm having?
  28. Why have I still got a high voice?
  29. What, could my friend have diabetes?
  30. What is the best pregnancy test [PT] brand?
  31. What if I cant move my hand??
  32. When I lost my virginity my vagina bleeds an smells?
  33. What is average weight for a 5 ft 1.5 inch??
  34. What if this affects me in the future?
  35. What are the chances of this happening from dry pre-cum?
  36. why is my vagina itchy for one week, have mild stomach crumps?
  37. What is the law regarding cigarettes?
  38. When the stuf before your period is goey is that bad?
  39. How do I get rid of the crust in my eyes?
  40. How high is the possibility that I am pregnant??
  41. How do you put on tampons?
  42. Why do I wake up with random quarter sized bruises?
  43. How painful is it after you have your nose reset?
  44. Why can't I hear good anymore?
  45. Why is my stomach so tender or sore at the bottom?
  46. Why am I shaking?
  47. What are my chances of winning Social Security Disability?
  48. What--does missing a period a few days after mean you could be prego?
  49. Why is this hard?! During Menstrual period?
  50. What kind of skin illnes can make you smell bad?
  51. What do I do pregnant for the 2nd time at 15?
  52. How to put your period on pause for a couple of years?
  53. why have I had vaginal discharge for 2 years now and still no period?
  54. How to cure the pain?
  55. How can I prevent my period if it is gonna be here any time?
  56. How can I get rid of my horriable stress?
  57. What should I do Im confused and affraid?
  58. How to get oxycontin out of your system fast?
  59. What are the chances of getting pregnant by dry prec*m?
  60. What is a Healthy way to release anger?
  61. What should I do if im getting urges to cut again?
  62. What is going on with the swelling in my jaw and cheek?
  63. Why im always smelling at school?If I take showers before going?
  64. How can I get my back to stop aching?Mattress?
  65. When during your pregnancy should you take your belly ring out?
  66. What is going on with the vein under my armpit?
  67. Why do I have one large breast which aches and sore nipples?
  68. How should I tell my girlfriend that I almost commited suicide?
  69. Why I have blood spot from last 2 weeks but my period don't start?
  70. Which is better: cold or warm water?
  71. What is wrong with me? I break out in itching bumps after I shower?
  72. What is the scientific name for laughing habit?
  73. How long does my mom have to live?
  74. What do you think? Should I stay home for my first period?
  75. Why am I so depressed? Do I have my peirod?
  76. Why do I pee blood,but my boyfriend puts his ... in me?
  77. What do I do?Yeah.. This is a girl question. I got you know what.?
  78. What is wrong wih me?
  79. How long dose a period stop when you drink alcohol?
  80. How can I still drink fizzy juice?
  81. What should I do to get rid of the cramps when im on my period?
  82. Can constipation delay my mensteual?
  83. Why have I got pain in my kidneys?
  84. How I know I am fit in sperm count ?
  85. Why are my kidneys hurting?
  86. What are these collection of raised bumps on my skin?
  87. What's wrong with her teeth?
  88. Why do my calfs hurt when I walk?
  89. How is sniffing crushed tablets bad? or is it?
  90. Why does this always happen to me? I hate how I feel?
  91. Why do I get mad when I have my period?
  92. Why is it warm after fingering??
  93. Why Wont They Grow?
  94. Why does my urine have odor with out a urinary tract infection?
  95. Why am I getting these burns?
  96. What to take as over the counter depression medicine?
  97. What is the meaning of brown spotting a month after a light period?
  98. How to tell someone that you are addicted to pills?
  99. How to prevent or stop hair and nail loss?
  100. When you take champ flush out detox work for detoxing opiates?