What are the chances of getting pregnant by dry prec*m?

me and my boyfriend were fooling around and I gave him a hand , he got some prec*m on my hand so I wiped it off with kleenex. a few minutes later I went to the bathroom and without thinking I touched the lips of my vagina , I didnt penetrate or anything it was just a little wipe. however after I did that I went pee and wiped ( like everyone else ). is there any possiblity that I could get pregnant by this , or am I worrying over nothing?

Answer #1

Sperm only lives for 5 minutes outside the body. I’m sure you will be fine. Nothing to worry about.

Answer #2

so if it was dry it can still get you pregnant ?

Answer #3

ZERO!!! Sperm cells survive 3 seconds in an external environment. You will be fine.

Answer #4

I don’t think there really is any chance. Precum doesn’t always have sperm cells in it. I’m guessing that you wiped your finger pretty with some good force and probably checked to see if its dry. I’m not sure how long sperm cells can last on a dry surface, usually on a moist environment they can go for several days. Temperature however plays a big role in how sperm cells live. I can’t give you an exact number but not very long.

I wouldn’t exclude the idea though, as crazy as it sounds its possible. Not probable.

Hope this helps.

Answer #5

thanks that kind of helps. I’ve read in a lot of places that once precum gets into the air it dies within a few minutes , im wondering if this is true. and yes I did check to see if my hands were dry and they were. im thinking that if there was any sperm it wouldnt be able to get inside me and make the journey without some force. I’ve also read that in precum if there is sperm a lot are immobile and some die right away .. does anyone know if this is true ? I would really love is someone could answer fast , im pretty scared :(

Answer #6

hysterical is correct.

fun_guy there is no proof about how long sperm can survive outside the human body, some people claim a few minutes other an half and hour etc.

Answer #7

The sperm cell main function is too get into the vagina and fertilize and egg, and it can live for 3 DAYS outside of the body, and can travel very far…but like what was said earlier all men pre cum does not have a sperm cell in it…more then likely you have nothing to worry about

Answer #8

are you sure I have nothing to worry about ? because im very scared , I still havent got my period and I should have by now. is it possible that me worrying over this could have delayed it ? or will it come when ever it wants to? I’ve been having pains ( like period cramps ) in my lower stomach. is this just a sign that my period is coming or that im pregnant? cause if I was pregnant it would be less then 2 weeks ! and thats probably to early to start feeling anything right ? are my chances of getting preg this was close to impossible ? sorry for all the questions , I just need to know ! im a worry wort so im like going crazy right now

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