Why am I shaking?

for the past 3 days I have been shaking in my hands nonstop and its not to noticable but it is I have epilepsy but I don’t think its that because I’ve had epilepsy for 8 years and this has never happened before I told my mom she said it could be thyroid because thyroid problems run in my family but my dad said its probably stress from all of the extra work and pressure my mom has been putting on me is there any other way to tell other than a blood test because I’m terrified of needles?

Answer #1

STRESS! I had a panic attack last year. I didn’t know what was happening, it was very scary. Turns out there’s ways to deal with it. Can you get to a doctor? That would be best. Take up yoga or tai chi to reduce stress. Tell mom, gently, to back off. People work better without additional stress.

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