What is wrong wih me?

I no im depressed straight up! but things have got so bad lately I just dont no what to do anymore all I want to do is clean or sleep I constantly feel angry and want to hurt myself its puting such a strain on me and my partner I feel like im going mad! I hate the dark cause I fear corners I keep thinking im seeing things I hear voices talking to me im going mad what can I do!

Answer #1

are you on drugs??

Answer #2

You need to go see a pshyciatrist.

Answer #3

Try exercising! I was depressed about a lot of stuff for a while and that’s what worked for me =] It creates energy and boosts endorphins, which is what makes your brain and body happy!

Answer #4

Talk to a counselor, your doctor, a female youth pastor (sometimes it’s uncomfortable to share w/ opposite sex)

Answer #5

councilers arent much help in my opinion. I work out and find that working out is the BEST way to get rid of stress or bad thoughts and stuff .go out with a few of your friends, start takin guitar or drum lessons. test drive a ferrari. go to a concert. or buy an xbox360 or ps3 and play online… :D

Answer #6

To imanie: NO im NOT on drugs and have never touched a drug in my life thank you very much!

I’ve tried exercising I joind a gym everythinig I just hate it cause it makes me think more! :(

I’ve been cousling that didnt help either.

I just feel like giving up theres nothin that seems to help and trust me im willing to give things ago but I havnt tried anything that has helped! :’(

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