Health Questions

  1. Is it okay for me to take out my lip jewlrey before I shower?
  2. Why is it that when I poop, my anus bleeds?
  3. Can you get pin worms from a dog?
  4. What should I do about my cluster headachs?
  5. How can I get rid of the bad taste/odor in my gums where my wisdom teeth are coming in?
  6. How much body weight is made up of organs, bones and blood?
  7. Can I be electrocuted without fully noticing?
  8. How come my hands are always freezing, but my body is warm?
  9. What happens (physically) when you drink alcohol night before you take a blood test?
  10. How can the baby be affected if the mother continues to smoke while pregnant?
  11. What is the best, cheap water filter?
  12. How can I take my sleeping pills with out abandoning my job at home?
  13. How do you prepare before going running, like what to eat?
  14. Do you believe in the benefits of knowing your BMI?
  15. How can I decrease the swelling and pain of an abscess in my cheek?
  16. Can you have heart (Chest) pain /burn due to lack of water intake ?
  17. What would you do if part of your back itches and your hand can not reach it?
  18. Does this picture remind anybody of themselves when they were stuck in their cigarette addiction?
  19. How many people on this website have quit smoking thanks to the today's technology cigarettes?
  20. How many people on this website know about the electronic cigarettes?
  21. What should I focus on if I want to donate blood?
  22. Is it normal to be afraid of the dark at an older age?
  23. Is there a phobia for being afraid of public bathrooms?
  24. Why does it hurt between some of my teeth?
  25. How do you find out your blood type?
  26. How do you get your crutches to stop hurting under your arms?
  27. How to check your hormone levels?
  28. Why is it that when I hear nothing, my ear rings?
  29. Why do I randomly hear sort of a vibrating/drumming sound in my ear?
  30. What should I expect if I want tested for all std's?
  31. What Have i done to my knee?
  32. Can I take a Womens once a day multi- vitamin along with a once a day energy vitamin?
  33. What is this thing on my eyelid?
  34. Why is my eyes having spasms?
  35. Is it normal if I dont 'poop' for 3 days straight?
  36. When you have your LH surge does that mean you ovulate?
  37. Is there a cure for hearing voices?
  38. When you weigh yourself do you go by what you weigh with your shoes on or off?
  39. What if you get your period after just taking the last active pill of your birth control?
  40. How can cellphone radiation cause health issues?
  41. If I go to sleep around 10pm, what time should I take my sleeping pill so it can take effect?
  42. Should I be worried if I am bruising all the time and sometimes in the same place?
  43. how come when i wake up i cant get up i go back to sleep again? happend to me 7 times in 1 day
  44. Why is my foot still numb from freezing?
  45. Why is it that all my dreams contain some form of murder, death or just morbid thing?
  46. Is it worth going to the emergency over a bladder infection?
  47. How can I stop randomly burping?
  48. Does it affect your health if you smoke paper?
  49. What does it mean if someone 'fingures' and or 'eats one out' and a squishy white ish thing comes out, like after/before they come or something?
  50. How bad is it to smoke while taking birth control pills?
  51. What are some consequences of birth control?
  52. What makes you have to pee more when you're about to start your cycle?
  53. What are all the gross systems of the human body?
  54. What would cause a period to last only a day and a half?
  55. Why is my bum itching?
  56. What is gastroenterology?
  57. Can lack of sleep act as a hallucinogenic?
  58. Why am so tired all the time even if I get more than 12 hours of sleep every day?
  59. Who has heard of The Blackout?
  60. How do I tell my parents I have Trichotillomania?
  61. How does one hide their emotions, create and maintain a stoic mask?
  62. What are different types/ symptoms of OCD ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)?
  63. Is it more likely for a condom to break if it's you first time?
  64. What do I do if my thrush capsule didn't stay in?
  65. Does it hurt when a boy's testicles drop?
  66. What is the best pill (contraception) for teenage girls?
  67. Why do my teeth hurt only after I brush them?
  68. How can you calm your heart down from drinking coffee?
  69. What happens to my body if I start drinking?
  70. What does a hernia feel like?
  71. How do you deal with back pain from a herniated disk?
  72. What doctor can give ultrasounds and deliver a baby?
  73. What is the epidural for when giving birth?
  74. Is it true that girls should not eat any chocolate, drink any milk, or eat any spicy foods while on the cycle.
  75. What else can you do to help remove a wart apart from the cream?
  76. What do I do about my extra period on the Ortho Evra patch?
  77. What are the best, healthiest coping mechanisms?
  78. What are the cons of a cortisone shot?
  79. How do I get over a flu without taking all these pills?
  80. Does aspartame, the sugar ingredient in gum and diet sodas, cause brain cancer and make you fat?
  81. What is cum supposed to taste like?
  82. Would there be any negative side-effects to taking anti-fungal medication (over the counter) when you don't have a fungal condition?
  83. Why do my knees always ache a few days before I get my period?
  84. Is it safe to soak my dental flipper in mouthwash diluted with warm water at night?
  85. How do I floss my back teeth when I have a small mouth but big hands?
  86. What do you think is the worse part of being sick?
  87. Should I be worried about the lung cramps I've recently been experiencing in the same spot?
  88. How do you recognize depression in another person?
  89. How do you get over the anxiety of sleeping somewhere other than your own house?
  90. Why does vicodin always make me throw up?
  91. How much, on average, do the following cosmetic surgery procedures cost?
  92. How does someone apply for a medical card?
  93. How long does it normally take to get a new medical card?
  94. Is there a muscle that helps us move our eyebrows?
  95. Who knows if there a way to change physician?
  96. How many eggs can a woman have?
  97. Is there such thing as an abortion pill or aomething your parents wouldn't be able to find out?
  98. Are there any dangerous arteries on or around the left elbow of a person?
  99. Why won't my grandfather's arm stop bleeding after he got a scratch on it?
  100. What will happen if I take a pregnancy test but accidentally touch the pee on the test?