Can lack of sleep act as a hallucinogenic?

My friend reckons that he’s got permanent brain damage from not sleeping. He’s gone 136 hours before - that’s almost 6 days :/ at times of extreme tiredness he claims to have hallucinated a man on his bed etc. etc. and since then even with sleep he still hallucinates. He compares the effects to that of LSD. Can this actually happen or is he just special? :L

Answer #1

Yes. It is quite common. As for permanent brain damage, from what I’ve read the effects of sleep deprivation are short term, but who knows. If someone is particularly vulnerable, and it triggers a psychotic episode, I suppose the effects could be long lasting.

Answer #2

I agree absolutely with Ty’s comments.

I started hallucinating after going about 72 hours without sleep. I don’t think it is a good idea to do such things - you never know when you might fall asleep spontaneously (maybe while driving or handling a dangerous machine), and there is no doubt that extreme tiredness impairs your judgment & slows down your reactions, and that can never be a good thing.

– Best wishes - Majikthise.

Answer #3

Not sure about the brain damage part, but lack of sleep can most certainly act as a hallucinogenic, and I’d say the effects could be similar to having taken LSD.

Answer #4

now if he has ever taken a hallucinogenic drug b4, it could be from that. hallucinogenic never leave the body’s system and can affect the person at any time.

Answer #5

@majikthise whoa what were you seeing when you were hallusinating?

Answer #6

It started when I was sitting on a bus, and I could see lizards and snakes crawling up the windows and bulkheads.

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