Health Questions

  1. Is this part of the symptoms from birth control or should I be worried?
  2. Is there anybody who has the panic disorder on FA?
  3. What would happen if someone had a seizure or an asthma attack and no one was there to help them?
  4. What would happen to a child 12-15 years old that took 4 allergy pills when it said only take 1-2 and no more than 6 capsules in 24 hours?
  5. How do I get rid of a HUGE blackhead on my arm that keeps coming back, even after I squeeze it out?
  6. Why does my breath smell bad even after I brush my teeth?
  7. How has art helped with mental illness?
  8. Does having PCOS as well as Endomentriosis hide the pregnancy hormones?
  9. How long would cannabis stay in my system?
  10. How come I have really bad thrush that won't go away?
  11. Can your appendix be on your left side instead of your right?
  12. Why do my toes get all itchy and red in winter?
  13. What is therapeutic cloning and how is the use of skin stem cells making it less ethically controversial?
  14. Are there any dangers of protected s*xual intercourse while on your period?
  15. What can I do to brush my tounge with my toothbrush without gagging?
  16. What is "chronic bad breath" and how do I know if I have it?
  17. Is there a type of compulsive shopping disorder?
  18. How can I stop my nose from being so sore and dry when I have a cold?
  19. How can I reduce swelling on my lip?
  20. Why is my blood dark red(like maroon) on the very first day of my period?
  21. Is it alright to have stretch marks at the age that I am or am I eating too much?
  22. Does anyone know where you can get the contraceptive pill from?
  23. Why am I craving oranges?
  24. How can one help get rid of thick toenails?
  25. What's a good way to soothe achey musles?
  26. How do I talk with expander?
  27. What causes pee to be yellow besides dehydration?
  28. Do you think they should or shouldn't offer money for blood and plasma donations?
  29. Why do people sleep talk?
  30. What is the difference between tampons and pads?
  31. What is this pressure I'm feeling in my head for a month and a half now?
  32. Is Splenda really bad for you?
  33. Is it bad if I accidently had two tampons in at the same time?
  34. Who thinks we should go to the hospital?
  35. Do people who suffer from bulimia like puking?
  36. Is obesity a problem in Canada, and how does it affect the health?
  37. Can someone cry blood?
  38. What does numbness in my feet when I get in the shower mean?
  39. How can a female get sore on your pussy??
  40. Why all of a sudden am I getting dark circles under my eyes?
  41. Does the contraceptive implant stop your periods (for most people)?
  42. Why is my heart fast and missing beats when I'm only 16?
  43. Is there any different between Gynera pills and Mercilon pills?
  44. Is extreme weight loss a sign of depression?
  45. Why does my right thumb move by itself?
  46. Is there a sleeping disorder where you can't fall asleep?
  47. What causes pupils to dilate and could people control the dilation?
  48. When you poop do you loose weight (calories)?
  49. Can an excessive intake of sugary foods cause acne?
  50. Why do my boobs hurt when I walk down the stairs?
  51. How can I prevent from getting bunions?
  52. What can I do for my eye after my cat scratched me there?
  53. What should I expect when I go to visit my father in the hospital?
  54. Why is it that fathers weren't allowed in the delivery room with the mother of the child?
  55. Why do my hands shake more than usual after I eat?
  56. How long does it take for a keloid scar to become evident?
  57. How is phlegm created?
  58. How many holes does a girls vagina have?
  59. What would cause my foot to be in intense pain each time I run?
  60. What to do when your nose is running like crazy and your nose is irritated?
  61. What can I do to make my self emotionally strong?
  62. Why do teenagers, and people in general use the phrase, " im going to cut myself now" when they are upset or just jokingly do it??
  63. How can you kill the salmonella bacteria on your kitchen floors?
  64. Why does urine smell metallic?
  65. Can you force someone to go into hospital and get help?
  66. Does acupuncture hurt?
  67. Why do I feel "not happy" a lot of the time?
  68. What can I do for my anxiety instead of taking my pills?
  69. What are the types of strokes?
  70. Can I die if I have a worm in my stomach for a long time?
  71. Is it normal to have random nose bleeds out of nowhere, and then have a headache?
  72. What is hypoproteinemia?
  73. What can I do about the hives I keep getting on my hands from the bar in conditioning?
  74. Why is it when I am playing basketball I get light headed?
  75. Why do I keep getting really bad sinus headaches?
  76. What is the best way to cure a phobia?
  77. What would you do if your doctor tells you he thinks he may have messed you up when he did surgery?
  78. Can you get backache from period pain?
  79. How often should prenatal vitamins be taken?
  80. Can you have a period after birth, then miss the next one?
  81. How do you hide a bruise, get rid of it, or keep it from coming?
  82. Is there anything bad I should know about Ultram?
  83. Why does my earwax smell like cotton candy for REAL?
  84. Is it ok to take prenatal vitamins without being pregnant for hair, skin, and nail reasons?
  85. How does your body know what time to wake up?
  86. What is spinal stenosis?
  87. What's a good natural remedy for sinus infections?
  88. Can cold weather (-40) cause me to have a week long migraine?
  89. How can I treat my burnt face?
  90. Why won't my foot stop hurting after I got a cramp 3 days ago?
  91. What should I do about this mood problem?
  92. How can I help heal my sprained wrist?
  93. Is it possible to get mentally sick?
  94. What does it mean if you drink something and you get this random pain from your chest all the way down your side to your stomach after you swallow it?
  95. How do I ask my mom to take me to counselling without her questioning me?
  96. Why do I wake up with random bruises on me?
  97. Can you go to counseling to work on self esteem/confidence or is it just for things like depression and other problems like that?
  98. Is it okay to go to the gyno, at fifteen, with a shaved pubic region?
  99. How can you get your voice back, after losing it?
  100. What helps you wake up in the morning?