Can I die if I have a worm in my stomach for a long time?

Answer #1

I would say no…but they do travel….

Answer #2

It depends on the kind of worm you have, some can kill you because some worms eat everything you eat, so you might not get enough food, or hit one of your organs on some point and cause some problems. If you have a worm, contact a doctor, find out if it’s bad or not, and get it treated right away.

Answer #3

yes, if its a tape worm and you swallow it, it will live in your intestines and feed on everything you ate. Eventually it will feed on your vital organs. People can die from swallowing a tape worm and not getting it treated

Answer #4

Do you mean you ate a worm, or that you have worms? If you just ate a worm, then no. If you have worms, you need to get treatment as they will grow and could end up essentially eating you from the inside out.

Answer #5

I ate a worm when I was a young lad, and im still here to tell the tale. If your talking about like an earthworm, then your fine. As long as it wasn’t a tape worm or a poisonous caterpillar, you’ll live.

Answer #6

Yes they are called tape worms

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