Health Questions

  1. How long does implantation bleeding or spotting lasts?
  2. Is it OK if my grandson has 6 fingers on his hand?
  3. Who can I talk to about this depression?
  4. Is clear vaginal discharge normal when pregnant?
  5. What is this weird bump on my leg?
  6. Is there another way to get pregnant?
  7. What side effects can you get from getting your tubes tied?
  8. Am I paranoid or pregnant?
  9. Can you see a therapist without your parents knowing?
  10. Can you stop your period early by taking the pilll?
  11. Is reddish-colored stools a problem?
  12. How can you get rid of lice naturally?
  13. Does my period sound normal?
  14. Am I a healthy weight?
  15. Does it matter if I skip the sugar birth control pills?
  16. How do I tell someone I need help?
  17. Should I see the doctor again?
  18. How to become anorexic?
  19. Can I still be pregnant if I got my period?
  20. Does not drinking water give you acne?
  21. How can I fix my acne if even Proactive won't help?
  22. Is this a healthy weight for me?
  23. Why do I have stabbing pains in my stomach?
  24. Can I get an abortion using a friend's insurance?
  25. Why do I still have discharge after my period?
  26. Am I on my way to anorexia?
  27. Do stress balls help?
  28. Do I weigh too much?
  29. What food should be fed to anorexic people?
  30. Has anyone witnessed spontaneous human combustion?
  31. What's a home remedy for a sty in your eye?
  32. Why do I have double vision in the mornings?
  33. Are hickeys bad for you?
  34. Does anyone have experience on the South Beach Diet?
  35. Is there any way to help morning sickness?
  36. What if I lost my tampon inside me?
  37. What did you decide?
  38. How to be bulimic without gag reflexes?
  39. How long does it take for the birth of a first child?
  40. What are causes for a low white blood cell count?
  41. What's wrong with my ear?
  42. Is there an over-the-counter diuretic?
  43. How can I gain weight in my breasts and butt?
  44. Am I in some sort of depression and what do I do?
  45. How can I tell my Mom I started my period?
  46. Why am I always itchy down there?
  47. How can I help a bulimic friend?
  48. How can I just wake up when school starts?
  49. What to do if I'm so depressed I want to die?
  50. Is it normal for tampons to hurt when sitting down?
  51. When will I get my first period?
  52. How does weed make you feel?
  53. Why is my period so late if I'm not pregnant?
  54. What are some ways to lose weight?
  55. What can blue fibers in my discharge mean?
  56. Is it normal for skinny people to bleed when pregnant?
  57. Can you get pregnant from outercourse?
  58. Is it normal that I don't have my period yet?
  59. How can I sprain a muscle?
  60. Is my sister fat?
  61. How can I get rid of phlegm in my chest?
  62. How can I stop my friend from killing herself?
  63. Are weird lower cramps a pregnancy symptom?
  64. How long do painkillers stay in your system?
  65. Can you be pregnant with a period?
  66. What is cat scratch fever?
  67. Why are my arms turning green?
  68. Will chocolate milk help bulimia?
  69. Why can't I breathe?
  70. How can I be anorexic and weight only 90 lbs?
  71. Is my friend a drunk?
  72. Is this white stuff puberty?
  73. Is fasting safe?
  74. Why does my penis hurt after peeing?
  75. Am I deformed because my nipples don't pop out?
  76. How can I stop bulimia?
  77. What's the normal size of a penis?
  78. How can I fix my stomach fast?
  79. Does Alli work?
  80. Why won't my kittens eat?
  81. Will I pass my urine test today?
  82. What is this pea-sized lump deep in my underarm?
  83. How do you stop your period early?
  84. Can I still get pregnant if I'm on Depo Provera?
  85. Is the support truly 100%?
  86. What are the exact symptoms of pregnancy?
  87. Why can't the OB-GYN find a heartbeat?
  88. Any advice on how to feel better after not eating?
  89. How can I lose weight quickly without pills?
  90. Is this much discharge normal?
  91. How can I stop cutting for good?
  92. What do I do if my boobs are itchy?
  93. Are my chances of breast-feeding reduced by an uplift?
  94. What exactly does the gyno do?
  95. Will anorexia drive my friends away?
  96. How to get healthy?
  97. How can I pretend I didn't know I am pregnant?
  98. Am I depressed?
  99. How can I cure an itch down there?
  100. Was this pimple down there a sign of something bad?