What exactly does the gyno do?

Okay so i am 15 and my mom was talking about taking me to see a gnyo and i am realy nervous. what exactly do gyno’s do? Also i am not a virgin so will they tell my parents that i am not??

Answer #1

Well, no. They have to keep their promise if you don’t want them to tell your parents that you’re having sx- you could sue for breaking confidentiality. Gynos can’t tell whether you’ve lost your virginity or not, they can’t just look at you and know your complete sxual history. YOU have to tell them. Gynos are a bit uncomfy, but it’s not that bad in the long-run. What they do is have you lie down on a doctor’s bed, and place your feet in two metal stirrups, which should be padded for comfort and warmth. If they’re not, wear socks. The gyno will tell you when she’s about to do something, so you’re not suprised. First she’ll put on sterile rubber gloves and closely inspect your vlva for any discharge and abnormalities. Then, she’ll take either a sterile plastic or metal instrument that looks like a duck’s beak (it can open and close), and run it under warm water to warm it to your body temperature. This instrument is called the speculum, which is inserted into the vgina, and widened (the “beak” is opened and kept in place). This will help the doctor see clearly into your vgina and to your cervix. She will take a sterile cotton swab, and swab your cervix for a few cells, to check for cervical cancer. It’s called a pap-smear. This is uncofortable, but doesn’t hurt, and takes only 5 seconds. She’ll then remove the speculum from your vgina. She might remove her gloves and put new ones on. She’ll lubricate one or two fingers, and insert them into your v*gina. The other hand is placed over your lower stomach. The doctor will then push and squeeze on different places. She is checking your ovaries for any abnormalities and/or lumps. This is a basic visit to the ob-gyn! It’s not that bad at all, I’m sure you’ll survive your first visit!

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