How to get healthy?

I’m trying to get healthy but I don’t eat fruit and vegetables and are afraid to try them. I want to exercise but only do things I am good at, and exercise is one that I am no good at. I will eat most of the food groups except fruit and vegtables. I already get made fun of because of my health, fitness and diet.

Answer #1

No, I don’t like any, and my taste buds are never changing. They haven’t changed for seven years. I can walk, but only for a few minuites before my legs ache. Vitamins, I can only get one of. Vitamin D. Anybody can get vitamin D, your body makes it from the sun. I don’t think my body can defend iiself from disease very well, I’m always in constant colds and in constipation. Everybody makes fun of me because of it. If it was somewhere like a kidney or liver problem, they wouldn’t make fun of me. But it was in the area they will make fun of you for. The bladder.

Answer #2

Aren’t there any vegetables you like? You really should try a new vegetable once in a while and chances are you will like some of them. Tastes change over time so you should retry some vegetables you didn’t like previously. I used to dispise Brussel Sprouts but now they are one of my favorites (at least when you can get good ones). Since you say you are afraid to try them I think you have a mental hangup against vegetables.

As far as exercise goes, can you walk? Going on walks is a good start.

Until you incorporate some vegetables in your diet you should take a multivitamin-multimineral supliment. This should keep you from becoming enemic. Of course a pill is not as good as eating vegetables. Vegetables have compounds called phytochemicals that do all sorts of things like helping prevent cancer and reducing blood cholesterol; they also have fiber that helps keep you regular.

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